Plumpy wants YOUR Questions!

Plumpy is looking for YOUR questions! What have you always wanted to know about Webkinz World? Enter your question in the comments section below, and your question (and Plumpy’s answer) might appear in an upcoming edition of the Kinzville Times!

147 Responses to Plumpy wants YOUR Questions!

  1. Wondering about many things . . . says:

    Why did you retire Dicekinz? Were you planning something bigger to replace it? If so, do you know what it is?

  2. kaybear60 says:

    I would like to know if ther is any way to get a clue on a secret clothing recipe, i.e, the Wild Watermelon Shirt?

  3. ebjmb says:

    Where is mount kinz . Can I travel there. Can you tell me were it is.How old is Nibbles .Is there any way she can come over to my house?If she has a username can you tell me what it is so I can add her to my friends list?My pets really want Nibbles over,they have heard a lot of great things about her in webkinz world by Cowbella,Ms.Cowline,Dr.Ouack, and Ms.Birdy.So if you tell me that would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Nibbles lover

  4. pinkyrea says:

    Why does webkinz have the Fashion Blitz on the e-store? And how do you get to buy things from the e-store? How do u get coins for the e-store would be my big question? – :)pinkyrea:)

  5. slugbug2000 says:

    Plumpy, what ever happened to the trading card game that was once in the Tournament Arena? I loved that game, can we get that back? Thank you!

  6. slugbug2000 says:

    Plumpy, will we ever be able to buy your glasses or win them in a challenge? It would be awesome to have the chance to get the older retired items especially for those of us who came later to Webkinz after those items were retired! Thank you!

  7. jennifer says:

    Dear Plumpy, I know you buy the rare items from Artie, but, where can you find out what the different themes are and what pieces are in them. Thank you, jennifer

  8. noodle100 says:

    Plumpy, For the TV the online Webkinz can watch, will there ever be any more shows or updates? Thanks! ~Noodle100

  9. Strawberry Starburst says:

    Hi Plumpy! I’m in 6th grade now & I have SO much homework. How can I find a way 2 finish all my homework, while still fitting in playing webkinz in my schedule? I know this is kinda off topic but I just need help. -SS-

  10. gloriadogluvr says:

    I always wondered why we couldn’t keep the Avatar boxes for our pets room because they are so beautiful.

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