Plumpy is looking for YOUR questions! What have you always wanted to know about Webkinz World? Enter your question in the comments section below, and your question (and Plumpy’s answer) might appear in an upcoming edition of the Kinzville Times!
Plumpy wants YOUR Questions!
147 Responses to Plumpy wants YOUR Questions!
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is there a chance that we could get and keep the gift boxes that come with our pets? they are all so great and it would really be neat to be able to keep them.
Are there any big changes comoing to Webkinz World? LIke more places to vacation at the travel agency, new arcade games, or a new place in Webkinz World?
Was there ever a Wishing Well 1?
Hello Plumpy, are you back from your honeymoon? I’d like to know why we can’t name our Webkinz rooms any name we want. Choosing the names from the very limited list that’s provided is very frustrating. Will we ever be able to make up our own room names again? I miss that. Thanks!
I’ve been asking this for a while now. Why can’t we name our rooms after W-Shop themes or colors? Why do we have to name them after our pets? There are not enough choices. Also, why can’t we rearrange our rooms in our map? That would be really nice. There was talk once about the option of removing doors in our rooms too. Will that ever happen? Thanks Plumpy.
plumpy, i’d just like to know… why do webkinz get retired? It makes them SO hard to get!
Dear Plumpy, you’ve always been such a role-model and you’re my absolute favorite webkinz host. I have been obsessed with you since the very first day I logged onto webkinz back in 2007. So, I have been keeping up with all of your wedding and honeymoon agenda that I really want to know if you have put any thought about having a baby…??? And if so could you have a naming contest for the readers?
How come there is games for only deluxe members?? Shouldn’t everyone be able to have fun and play games?
Dear Plumpy, I just moved. I’m new in my school and I’m so shy I can’t seem to make any friends. In my old school I was never shy and I always made friends so easily. Now I can’t seem to make any friends at all. It is like no one wants to be around me. Plumpy what should I do?
i think you should be able to sell estore items for estore points cause i want stuff from there and i cant get it. it would be nice
Dear Plumpy, do you know what webkinz pet will be retired next?