Polly’s Invitation

Hey everyone! As you might’ve heard, Polly’s birthday is coming up. We’re going to hold a surprise party for her – but the trick is going to be keeping it a secret. I don’t think Polly wants us to make a big deal of her birthday, but c’mon! She’s our friend. I hope she LOVES the party. And forgives us for having it!

Here’s the invitation we’re sending out:



Neat, huh? It doesn’t look special at all! So if she happens to see any kids reading it, she won’t be suspicious. But on the inside, this is what it looks like:



It’s the perfect surprise party invitation!

36 Responses to Polly’s Invitation

  1. webkinz says:

    You are suppose to RESPECT Polly! Not REJECT what she said!

  2. Neatcow says:

    Hey there guys, come on, stop being so negative, who doesn’t like a surprise – I think its a fabulous idea, just shout if I can help and good luck with all the arrangements – big job ahead – Good Luck! I am sure it is going be a great success (and surprise)

  3. lightpapa says:

    Kinz, you guys are going to have Polly upset! As in, ANGRY. You guys should stop thinking of yourselves for once and think about what others want. You ASK us what we think of things and then you don’t listen to our advice!

  4. Thunderspark17 says:

    Fun with pop up!!! But this is a horrible idea.

  5. SurferSweet says:

    I cannot wait until Polly’s special day! I hope she is very surprised! SurferSweet

  6. ButterflyGirl says:

    Polly is so cute!!!! I also love pandas. Better watch out, Molly!! Polly’s going to be pretty angry…Anyways, I bet that she’ll have fun anyway. Thanks for posting!!!! Yours Truly, ButterflyGirl, or Butterfly Webkinz Girl.

  7. j3gnight2011 says:

    That card is awesome! maybe i can make a card like that for my friends! Anyway, I hope Polly will enjoy this, because she really did say NO birthday party! >>j3gnight2011<< [cathouse2]

  8. lexiemc says:

    This is the most awesome invitation i have ever seen, i want to make it for my birthday! *Love Y’all -lexiemc

  9. lovepuppygirl says:


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