Polly’s Invitation

Hey everyone! As you might’ve heard, Polly’s birthday is coming up. We’re going to hold a surprise party for her – but the trick is going to be keeping it a secret. I don’t think Polly wants us to make a big deal of her birthday, but c’mon! She’s our friend. I hope she LOVES the party. And forgives us for having it!

Here’s the invitation we’re sending out:



Neat, huh? It doesn’t look special at all! So if she happens to see any kids reading it, she won’t be suspicious. But on the inside, this is what it looks like:



It’s the perfect surprise party invitation!

36 Responses to Polly’s Invitation

  1. symm0nne says:

    You may not know Polly as well as you think. I agree, I have a very, very bad feeling about this and I believe you should stop it before it happens. How much more clear could she be that she _did not want a party_. To my mind, your wanting to have a party is putting your own happiness above your friend’s, Polly. Please, please, stop this! Please take a clue from the fact that she went out of her way to keep her natal day a secret from you and that she _asked_ you not to do this!

  2. Skiddly says:

    I guess you didn’t read our comments, Molly. Polly doesn’t want a party! I guess you’re going to have to find out how bad of an idea this is the hard way! :(

  3. natasha says:

    Actually, this is A GREAT IDEA! Surprise Parties are BECAUSE surprise the person DOESN’t want them!!!!!!!!!!!

    • power4towers says:

      Exactly! She won’t be mad if you throw her a super cool party!!!!! She may be mad at you at first but then be very happy! And to everyone else who thinks its a bad idea would YOU hate it if someone threw you suprise party??????

  4. MDIChickadee says:

    Very nice invitation. But Polly does NOT want a party. All the best! MDIChickadee

  5. LuvSong says:

    I smell trouble….. ~*♥ LuvSong~*♥

  6. doglover says:

    i actually really like the cards …………… i have a feeling Polly will figure this party out.

  7. Anny says:

    Ooooh. what purrcilla got her hands on a invitation. I smell trouble.

  8. look4thetaris [] says:

    sarahandlacey youre right Molly shouldn’t be doing this! by the way it’s chihuahualover just a little change in name is all, remember look4thetaris[]

  9. CUTSOKS says:

    That is so cool! Bye! CUTSOKS

  10. ee! says:

    hey hey hey! ‘sup ya? them cards sure are sumthin’.

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