Quiz: Which Kinzville Academy Classes will YOU be Best at?



Answer these questions about your pet and see what Kinzville Academy class they’d like best!


I’d say my pet is a(n):

a) Artist

b) Intellectual

c) Sports star

d) Fashionista

e) Gourmet



My pet’s favorite game in Webkinz World is:

a)      Wheel of WOW

b)      Quizzy’s Word Challenge

c)       Webkinz Rally

d)      Webkinz Super Modelz

e)      Smoothie Moves


My pet would be most likely to wear:

a)      Wild colors and lots of patterns

b)      Pastels, tailored clothes

c)       T-shirt, shorts and runners

d)      Whatever’s the latest addition to the KinzStyle Outlet

e)      An apron


My pet loves to spend time visiting:

a)      The Curio Shop, looking for interesting objects

b)      The Classroom in the Clubhouse

c)       The Arcade

d)      The KinzStyle Outlet

e)      The Restaurant room in the Clubhouse


My pet’s favorite color is:

a)      All of them!

b)      Blue

c)       Red

d)      Black

e)      Green


My pet would LOVE to:

a)      Visit a gallery or museum

b)      Take a trip to the library

c)       See a baseball game

d)      Watch a fashion show

e)      Go to a café


If I could buy my pet a gift, I would get them:

a)      An easel

b)      A desk for writing

c)       A trampoline

d)      A wardrobe

e)      A fancy stove


If you got mostly A’s:
Your pet is most definitely an artist! Your pet is creative, fun and fantastic. There’s never a dull moment with your pet around – and that’s why they’ll LOVE the Creativity class at the Kinzville Academy. They’ll be able to paint a masterpiece!


If you got mostly B’s:

Your pet is one smart cookie. This intellectual pet loves to use their brain and figure out riddles. If you’ve got an intellectual pet, take them to the Intelligence class at the Kinzville Academy. All that word unscrambling is sure to make them happy!


If you got mostly C’s:

Sports are your pet’s passion! Never one for sitting down for very long, your pet loves to be active. There are lots of options for a sporty pet at the Kinzville Academy. Try the Speed, Strength and Agility classes!


If you got mostly D’s:

Your pet’s outfits are always the center of attention! Your pet never misses a chance to visit the KinzStyle Outlet, and never likes to be late to catch onto a trend. Take your fashionista to the Style or Grooming classes in the Academy and nurture their gift!


If you got mostly E’s:

Your pet is used to dazzling others with their skills in the kitchen. Whether it’s a simple soup or a special soufflé, they can make it all! Take your pet into the Academy’s kitchen and challenge them to whip up a few flapjacks on the griddle in the Griddling class!

23 Responses to Quiz: Which Kinzville Academy Classes will YOU be Best at?

  1. popy380 says:

    i did this quiz on my sister’s husky and found out that her husky is a “smart cookie” but my ally cat is an artist and my black bear is a sports star and i didn’t do my other pets so eh… they should REALLY make more quizzes!

  2. popy380 says:

    3c’s, 2a’s, 2e’s are my most recent pet’s score, becouse she is a sporty girl. i have 7 pets here is a poem: “some are girly, some are sweet, and all are one’s you want to meet! some are sporty, some divine, on webkinz you’ll have the BEST time!” that’s a good poem, i should do another one soon! popy380 ; )

  3. popy380 says:

    my pet is a creative fashinista, but mostly she just got creative. her ABSALUTE FAAAAAAVORETE class is the grooming class. she likes creativity it’s just that recently she played it too much and got to a really hard level so she never does it anymore becouse it’s too hard.

  4. Katen says:

    my pet are a mix they love to cook and be a hair stylist.

  5. addison says:

    sports fan definetly my pet takes all running and agility classes but sometimes i forget to take him to class

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