
It’s a new year, so you know what that means – New Year’s Resolutions! Let’s find out what some of Webkinz World’s residents resolve to do this year:

Fred Rover: I resolve to continue being the AWESOME sportscaster you know and love. I also resolve to sign more pictures of myself for my adoring fans.

Plumpy: I resolve to stop eating so much chocolate. It’s not going to be easy. I love chocolate. More than ice cream. More than Stubbly Grass Nibbles. Maybe just one piece a day. Or two. Or maybe I’ll just start using my treadmill more often.

PJ Collie: I resolve to put together some fabulous new outfits this year – I’ve got some GREAT ideas in mind. Be prepared to be amazed!

Dex Dangerous: I resolve to keep the moon safe from those dastardly Lugbotz! It’s not an easy job, but I’m up to it!

Lunar Lugbotz: We resolve to continue trying to destroy the moon!

Chef Gazpacho: I resolve to make more delicioso recipes that would make my mama cry tears of happiness!

What are your resolutions, Webkinz fans?

72 Responses to Resolutions

  1. lulujohnson says:

    i’m wiht pj collie

  2. Clare says:

    i want to help out with chores more and pray more offten.

  3. aedes says:

    I resolve to stop biting my nails.

  4. blatch28 says:

    I reslove to bo nicer to my brother and excries more

  5. ciaran22 says:

    I resolve to earn lots and lots of kinzkash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Blitzu says:

    Get 50,000 in KinzCash! (What’s the point of Plumpy, anyway?)

  7. Andy says:

    My resolution is to log onto Webkinz more.

  8. Andy says:

    What about the resolutions for the other residents?

  9. ilovewebkinz says:

    My new year’s resolution is to clean my room more often, and to continue to love webkinz! :)

  10. Alexxus aka ilovejoejonas45 says:

    Ha ha Plumpy – Hang in there. I love chocolate too!

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