Road Trip Treasure Hunt

Follow the clues to get a Road Trip Poster Prize Pack! Containing all of the Webkinz Newz exclusive Road Trip Posters from 2011, this pack is perfect if you missed any of our earlier “Catch that Van” promotions.

The Road Trip Treasure Hunt runs from 12:00am EST August 16th until 11:59pm EST September 5, 2011. Star the Treasure Hunt today!

183 Responses to Road Trip Treasure Hunt

  1. rebecca945 says:

    I’ll tell you what is coming soon in webkinz that is not on webkinz newz or webkinz world!!!!!

  2. rmcct says:

    i NEED help on #3

  3. rebecca945 says:

    Yea if anyone knows clue #2 place, please post!
    I’m rebecca945

  4. brat213. says:

    Help please, feel so lame can’t get clue #2. Tried what hints people gave but still can’t get it… Help please…

  5. kiaramae1 says:

    Did anyone get #4…I can’t figure it out????!!!:(

  6. winpanda says:

    i need two!

  7. littlestar76 says:

    I have checked everywhere for clue #1 and can’t find it. Please help me.

  8. kaka76 says:

    Can someone please help me im stuck on # 4

  9. francinejellybean says:

    this one is very hard. i only got the first two clues. i am now stuck on five, i searched and got to the grand canyon but then nothing happened.

  10. PEBBLES007 says:

    I looked at the pet of the month and also the caring valley pet pug page and i found nothing. i stuck on clue 2 also ARGH.

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