Road Trip Treasure Hunt

Follow the clues to get a Road Trip Poster Prize Pack! Containing all of the Webkinz Newz exclusive Road Trip Posters from 2011, this pack is perfect if you missed any of our earlier “Catch that Van” promotions.

The Road Trip Treasure Hunt runs from 12:00am EST August 16th until 11:59pm EST September 5, 2011. Star the Treasure Hunt today!

183 Responses to Road Trip Treasure Hunt

  1. JECI says:

    i have three of them, but I want it number 1.

  2. rockstarracer2002 says:

    WHATS 3?

  3. Michelle says:

    I tried typing in ‘pug’, hug a pug, hug a pug dance, etc. Clicked on all of them from the Newz Blog and I still cant’ get past Clue #2, HELP PLEASE?

  4. dasdaw says:

    add me at katiekaboom10 please

  5. Cccjkk says:


  6. roadtripgirl says:

    Go to News Blog, then click on road trip, in the search area type in like pug, county fair, grand canyon. it will bring up the right page. you just have to click on the words. It works. I won the treasure

  7. ultrasonic says:

    I did the Treasure Hunt this morning. For clue #2, in site search, type in Hug a Pug. One of the articles is the right one. If the congrats message isn’t coming up, make sure the page is done loading and that pop-ups are enabled in your browser settings. And for the $5 pets clue, type in Road Trip. There should be an article that has “$5 Webkinz Pets” in the title. Click that one.

  8. goofyoldgranny says:

    to get #2 and other clues go to Road Trip
    on that page open Read the Blog
    Type in pug (or whatever you are looking for)
    click on the blue title line and your next clue will appear
    a harder one – but fun – enjoy

  9. doctornana says:

    I give up! I’ve been trying to figure out clue 2 for an hour. Webkinz made it too hard this time. All it’s accomplished is making me feel like an idiot!

  10. BigAdventureTimeFan says:

    This is the HARDEST and I mean HARDEST Treasure Hunt! I wish the prize was a figure, though. At least its 4 prizes
    instead of one prize :)

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