Robert Rabbit’s Workshop Makeover

Elwin here, with our second-to-last room makeover at the Rabbit house. Today, we redid Robert’s workshop. Robert loves woodworking and making all kinds of neat things (that’s probably where Molly gets her craftiness). The room had been used as a workshop before, but it wasn’t very well set up. A good workshop needs to have a place for everything, so it doesn’t look too cluttered.   Robert was THRILLED to see this set up. He said that he’ll make us a rocking chair for our office. Nice!


38 Responses to Robert Rabbit’s Workshop Makeover

  1. Makenna says:

    I am great at taking care of my Webkinz!

  2. fluffymilk2 says:

    If you can really open up that door like a real garage door, wouldn’t the picture on there get smashed? And, it needs MUCH more working space. Not the best. :(

  3. tyedyeducktape2 says:

    Well, I umm its ok and all, but yeah to plain. And yes it does need a table.

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