Robert Rabbit’s Workshop Makeover

Elwin here, with our second-to-last room makeover at the Rabbit house. Today, we redid Robert’s workshop. Robert loves woodworking and making all kinds of neat things (that’s probably where Molly gets her craftiness). The room had been used as a workshop before, but it wasn’t very well set up. A good workshop needs to have a place for everything, so it doesn’t look too cluttered.   Robert was THRILLED to see this set up. He said that he’ll make us a rocking chair for our office. Nice!


38 Responses to Robert Rabbit’s Workshop Makeover

  1. Nightfire says:

    I don’t like it. It looks like one of those race cars’ garage. *Nightfire* ^..^

  2. Gabriella♥ says:

    Nice! I wonder what the real last room will be. Probably a Family Room! For the whole Rabbit Family to enjoy! ♥

    • robyn says:

      the last room is going to be Roberta’s craft room!!! I like this room, it is a little uncluttered for a work room, I need many more tables when I do crafts, especially wood working things, but I like it anyway. @ bubbleteapot, some basements have outside access and there is that huge garage door so they must have just drove it in, although I’m not sure why it is in Mr. Rabbit’s work shop and not in the regular garage. I like it H & E!!! *Robyn*

  3. CoconutCloud says:

    Yep, a garage for the Workshop! My garage is a dusty place filled with flies. I don’t often go there, because it’s too gross. ~CC~

  4. doglover says:

    its OKAY

  5. jennifer says:

    A GOOD workshop is ALWAYS in the garage. That’s a man’s “hangout”. You can’t get a ATV into a basement unless it has a driveway, which this one must have because of the door. But, where’s the t.v. and mini fridge and that purple sofa should be in here so Mrs. Rabbit can get a new one for in the library. Robert has a lot of stuff to get in hear so he can work and watch the Sunday afternoon games. jennifer

  6. bubbleteapot says:

    It’s very bare. And you’d think that a workshop should have a few good tables to work at. The other thing that I’m wondering about is that this is supposed to be in the basement according to yesterday’s post. How did the ATV get into the basement???

  7. Mistyfoot says:

    I don’t really care for Robert’s workshop, but I’m good of he likes it :0 ;) :mrgreen: Happy Summer Vacation Everyone ~*Mistyfoot*~

  8. _starburst_ says:

    Did anyone else notice that they said ” that’s where MOLLY gets her craftiness”? And second, I just don’t like it. It’s too empty.

  9. []look4thetaris[] says:

    love the use of the car theme almost noone uses it! remember to []look4thetaris[]

    • sarahandlacey says:

      This will make a good work shop! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

      • MDIChickadee says:

        I like this room – a place for everything AND space to work on projects!! Exactly what Mr. Rabbit needs. Another great job, Hailey and Elwin!! All the best! MDIChickadee P.S. I think they meant Roberta, not Molly!

        • SugarComet says:

          This room is OKAY to me. It isn’t the best…. It isn’t the worst….. Well, did anyone notice the phrase ‘ where Molly gets her craftiness from’ ? I think they meant Roberta not Molly.( Like @MDIChickadee stated before) ~ SugarComet***

        • #1Directioner says:

          I think it needs more furniture and decorations. It’s too plain for me. ~#1Directioner(CatLizKT)

          • Philadelphia Kinz says:

            Agreed. Anyone else notice Roberta is a marshmallow rabbit??? *Philadelphia Kinz* P.S. I could have done way better than this.

          • Moonstar says:

            What I would have done is used the Conservatory Wall Paper with Garage Flooring, or the Wizards Flooring., I would have put the Rare Study Desk. I’d add an art easel with the coloring table. Next I would add a sewing place and then an sink. I would also add some of the Checkered Flower Vases from the Mazin Hamsters mall. That to me would be a nice workshop. Oh, and I would also add a something like a table to put stuff on, and maybe like a To Go Coffee Container. -Moonstar◙◙◙

        • Azula Tiger says:

          Awesome I LOVE it! I like the car! ~Azula Tiger

          • Moonstar says:

            What I would have done is used the Conservatory Wall Paper with Garage Flooring, or the Wizards Flooring., I would have put the Rare Study Desk. I’d add an art easel with the coloring table. Next I would add a sewing place and then an sink. I would also add some of the Checkered Flower Vases from the Mazin Hamsters mall. That to me would be a nice workshop. Oh, and I would also add a something like a table to put stuff on, and maybe like a To Go Coffee Container. -Moonstar◙◙◙

    • 2zaney says:

      I agree, it does remind me of that movie ( by the way, the movie is called “Cars”.) It’s really not boyish. It’s my favorite movie and I’m a girl. My favorite character is Sally.

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