Roberta’s Bathroom: Before & After

So today Elwin and I got to redo Roberta’s bathroom. It’s not a HUGE space to work with, but I think we definitely made the room feel larger. We had a long talk about what to do with this room, and we actually worked together on a design. The only request Roberta had was “make it super-girly!” Here’s the before:



Wow. That wallpaper is just…no.

And here’s the after:



Roberta absolutely LOVES the new look. Mrs. Rabbit couldn’t believe how much difference a paint color can have – it IS pretty impressive. Elwin and I have never decorated an ENTIRE house before, but we’re really enjoying the challenge. Roberta’s parents told us that they’re going to recommend us to all of their friends – so I guess the Designer Elephants are going to do a booming business!

55 Responses to Roberta’s Bathroom: Before & After

  1. Laney says:

    Congratulations on your booming business! Keep going!

  2. dgb9702 says:

    too pink 4 me

  3. Clare1100 says:

    That’s better than before!!!!!!

  4. ksud says:

    I wish it was green and blue

  5. geva4isawesome says:

    I like the new room better but I liked the old room too!!!

  6. fuffymilk2 says:

    kodiac, that was FUNNY! ”Ten HUT! March!” LOL! Well a little TOO girly for me… and to think I LOVE pink!….

  7. yech says:

    Im a boy so i think the bathroom shown is VERY girly and piNk.

  8. Ke$hafan001 says:

    I love it! I love your guys’ ideas with everything, so please keep doing these things!

  9. Ke$hafan001 says:

    I love the bathroom after. The shower felt kind of out of place in the one before, and the room did not match. But the one after made the whole room come together.

  10. ButterflyGirl says:

    I’m sorry Roberta, but I just don’t think that it’s the most GORGEOUS bathroom that I’ve ever seen. Although it is quite PINK and pretty.

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