Roberta’s Bunny Cupcakes









Millie specifically wanted “Bunny Cupcakes.” No problem! Here’s how you make them:


What you need: Vanilla cupcakes, vanilla icing, small pink jellybeans, small chocolate chips, large marshmallows, pink gummy candy, rolling pin, icing sugar


What you do:

  1. Frost your cupcake with the white frosting.
  2. Near one edge of the cupcake, put the pink jellybean.
  3. Above it, place the two chocolate chips, points down.
  4. Cut your large marshmallows in half. One marshmallow makes two ears.
  5. Dust your counter and rolling pin with icing sugar. Roll out the marshmallow halves so they’re flat.
  6. Roll out the pink gummy candy. Cut it to look like a long pointed oval (this is the inside of your bunny’s ears). Stick the gummy candy onto the marshmallow ears.
  7. Stick the marshmallow ears onto your cupcake.
  8. Enjoy!

33 Responses to Roberta’s Bunny Cupcakes

  1. Grelot says:

    Grelot, Yum! Easy and looks great!

  2. jrgin says:


  3. SparkleUnicorn1998 says:

    Yummy! That cupcake looks so good, I would love to eat one of those! i think I don’t h

  4. Jenny rocks!! says:

    sooooo cute!! great activity to do when bored(:

  5. cathouse2 says:

    Those are really cute cupcakes! I have to tell my mom! Maybe we can make them!

  6. Gabriella♥ says:

    *SIGH* I gave up lots of sugar for Lent. Maybe after Easter I’ll make these? ♥

  7. CoconutCloud says:

    That’s so cute! I’m not making them though. Too much frosting and sugar. ~CC~

  8. petercat4 says:

    these are actually really cute!

  9. goldbubblegum says:

    cute and yummy a combination every one likes :)

  10. PorchPals says:

    I LUV it! :) What a great idea 4 my family :) Happy Easter, everybody!!! :) :) And THANK YOU GANZ~ 4 all the fun things that are going on in Webkinz World! Ur friend, PorchPals

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