Roberta’s Mom’s Office

Roberta’s mom, Rosemary, has a very successful sewing business. From clothes to puppets, she pretty much sews it all. She also loves to paint. She works from home, so she really needed a space to call her own. She said she used to take over the dining room table. Not anymore! Hailey and I created the ultimate office for a busy business-rabbit.

39 Responses to Roberta’s Mom’s Office

  1. Glitterbug16 says:

    nice room,guys!i really like the artist easel and the desk for painting.although if i were decorating it,i would have changed some stuff.great job though guys!!! love,*Sabine (Sabrina) Militancy* oh ps i LOVE the wall paper!!! conservatory stuff!!!!! woo hoo.

  2. Gabriella♥ says:

    What’s the Dog Statue for? Is it like a Decoration? Other than that, I think this room has a really open-ish look! And that’s supposed to be good, FYI. ♥

    • robyn says:

      The dog is a fashion mannequin, it’s used to fit clothes while you are making them because you can’t always have the person there to try the items on to make sure they fit.

  3. CoconutCloud says:

    I think this is a really nice room. Very artistic, but I don’t think I’d put wet fresh paints so close to clean new fabric. For obvious reasons. ~CC~

  4. robyn says:

    I think this is one is one of the best rooms I’ve seen so far for the Rabbit family. I like the big open windows so Ms. Rabbit can be inspired by everything she sees around her. Good Job H & E!!! Robyn

  5. Geva4 says:

    Loving it!!

  6. jennifer says:

    I want this room, I love it. Love the floorr, no carpeting to get stained. The only thing that doesn’t work for me is the chair. Since you can’t get a rolling chair at the W-shop I’d have two, a couple of waste paper baskets, and a mini fridge. And a much bigger room. jennifer

  7. MDIChickadee says:

    What a GREAT room! I, too, love the windows – can you imagine the light she will have in which to work?? Super job! All the best! MDIChickadee

  8. Nakky13 says:

    I LOVE this room, with all the windows, it is a very inviting and stress-free workplace. As I sew and craft a lot myself, I know that a large worktable is an absolute must for cutting fabric, and for assembling crafts. Mrs. Rabbit also needs a rolling chair that can be used at both the sewing machine and work table. Otherwise, a superb room! Greenie goes green!

  9. kittykat99 says:

    i like it but it’s kinda small.just sayi’n

  10. Scoobarificus says:

    Nice! I would have put in fabric rolls and used a bigger room though.

    • Claire6land says:

      I agree, Scoobarificus! But I think the fabric rolls is held in the closets… Overrall, I think it’s a pretty nice room though :D ~Claire6land

      • sarahandlacey says:

        I agree that would have been nice, but this room is really awesome! I think roberta’s mom will love it! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

      • Dragonfish says:

        I agree too! It looks like a very nice office! The one thing I’m wondering is why there is an art easel in the corner when she sews things. (*(*dragonfish*)*)

      • i love my alley cat SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!! :) says:

        I would have made it a bit bigger. Also i don’t really agree with the closet. it looks a bit out of place if you know what i mean. :D

        • krystalkat says:

          Her name is Rosemary? Pretty! :D I LOVE it! I cant sew! I can sew clothes but I cant knit or crochet or any of those fancy things. I think its wonderful! Its nice, calming, and light! Everything I like in a room! I have a cat named Sweetie (her name is Savannah, but I call her sweetie) She kinda looks like the ally cat because shes striped but she doesnt have orange in her fur. ~KK♥

    • PhoenixWind says:

      That’s a very nice room! I’m sure Rosemary would really like it Hailey and Elwin! You’re awesome designers. ~Phoenix Wind~

    • Lemon Starburst says:

      Agreed. The wallpaper makes the room look more roomy than it actually is. ~Lemon*Starburst~

    • ceci says:

      I agree. Should have had fabric rolls & a much bigger table for cutting out fabric. You can’t use that table at the window. It’s just not large enough.

    • stylegirl12 says:

      totally agree with you! i just finished a sewing class and i am using the dinning room… it’s HUGE and i don’t feel cramped at all but that room is so tiny! and yeah it needs the fabric rolls, although they r HUGE [like my dinning room :)] and would make the room tinier then it is.. *stylegirl12*

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