Roberta’s New House

Hey everyone! I am getting SO excited to move into my new house. Even though I actually really love my current bedroom (this is it BEFORE I started packing):




I’m REALLY going to love my new bedroom. Why? Because Hailey and Elwin will be redecorating it! We’ve met a couple of times already and talked about what I have in mind. Hailey says that she’s got a really great design in mind. Elwin is pretty sure I’ll go for his design instead…I can’t wait to make a decision! Just in case you were wondering, here’s what my new bedroom looks like right now (this is a picture my parents took when they were walking through our new house):


Not exactly gorgeous, right? But it will be!

Here’s one last picture: my current room, after all the packing I’ve done:



It’s definitely time to move!

32 Responses to Roberta’s New House

  1. CoconutCloud says:

    I’m sure your new room will look WONDERFUL, Soon To-Be Big Bunny Sis! ~CC~

  2. Orange Starburst says:

    SO EXCITED FOR YOUR NEW ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! If its designed my Hailey & Elwin ten of course its going 2 turn out great! *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

  3. cathouse2 says:

    I bet your new room will looks wonderful! I hope you like it too! >> cathouse2

  4. crazygal says:

    i can’t wait 2 see ur new room! but i really like ur old 1! :-):-) :-);-)

  5. Cinderheart says:

    Im sure Roberta that your new bedroom will be great! I am glad that you aren’t upset about moving.

  6. TaraStarShine says:

    I love the cloud wallpaper and that flooring, its so peaceful and quiet, when you can just drift off into your own thoughts… I can’t wait to see what it looks like after Hailey and Elwin redecorate it! ~* TaraStarShine~*

  7. jennifer says:

    Without your craft things in your bedroom your have room for sleepovers. jennifer

  8. Dreamer says:

    i can’t wait to see your new room!..i love the cloud wallpaper and the flooring,can’t wait to see it with furniture,I think its going 2 be great…:)

  9. OneDirectionRocks...still playing with Hermes!!! says:

    i hope ur new room is filled with compleat awesomeness!!!~-~one direction luver

  10. gymdog says:

    i can’t wait to see your new room!

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