Roberta’s Parents’ Bedroom: Before & After

Elwin here with our very first Rabbit family home makeover. We decided to start with Roberta’s parents’ room. Since Mrs. Rabbit is pregnant, we know she needs lots of rest and that she wants a peaceful, pretty room. Mr. Rabbit’s only request was for a comfy chair so he could read. With that in mind, we got busy and created a new design.

First, here’s what the room USED to look like:


There’s a lot going on in this room. The furniture is very heavy, and quite mismatched. Also, neither of the Rabbits was very fond of the country western feel that the bathroom had.  Hailey and I couldn’t agree more! 

Now, here’s what we came up with:




Ahh! Beautiful! Hailey and I decided to keep the floor and change the wall color. We went with a very light brown to keep the room tranquil. My favorite change was the bathroom – it feels just like a spa. Roberta’s mom said she might never leave her room again! I guess she likes it!

37 Responses to Roberta’s Parents’ Bedroom: Before & After

  1. Thunderspark17...WOW says:

    That looks really good! How do you take pics of ur rooms on ur computer? I will check back this time…LOL

  2. ducktapecrazy says:

    its kinda cool but no not-deluxe person could ever do that to a room. -sie sie

  3. sssvert8 says:

    beautiful, just beautiful!

  4. Webkinzlover346 says:

    I like it!!! Not only does it have a place for Mr. Rabbit to read, but it looks so comfy!!!!!

  5. cathouse2 says:

    Very pretty rooms. They both look about the same though. I hope the Rabbits like it! >> cathouse2

  6. Orange Starburst says:

    I agree #Solo cup#. Can I ask u guys something? Is it just me, or is anyone else liking the original room better? *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

    • Ren says:

      I think the first room is better. The second room just seems darker- both the color scheme for the floor and wall as well as the amount of windows. And I think it’s more cluttered.

  7. #Solo cup# says:

    Yo elwin and hailey dudes i Luve them both but i think it needs like a bigger or 2 beds and a crib but just a thought but real cooooool! lol! peace out kool cats! ;-)

  8. fudgeyvanilla says:

    thats great! not only is evrything comfy and netural but you made everything come together with a little splash of color! hey who wants to see my garden? come check it out! my UN is fudgeyvanilla

  9. jennifer says:

    It’s really pretty, I’m glad you left the t.v. out. jennifer

  10. MDIChickadee says:

    What an absolutely beautiful room! And functional, too. There might even be room for a cradle when that is needed … All the best! MDIChickadee

    • _starburst_ says:

      I love it! It’s a wonderful improvement. I would change a couple things though. 1- really don’t like that dresser. I would use maybe the tri-mirror one. 2- I was really expecting two beds, but that’s not major. 3- the bookshelf seems out of place. 4- the painting seems out of place. 5- i would have made a space in the seating area. But none of those are major changes, just little tweaks. Overall, a great job Hailey and Elwin. Oh, how I wish I was Estore and could make that!

    • Dragonfish says:

      Wow, that is one BEAUTIFUL room. I especially love the bathroom. Also, there is plenty of room for a cradle in there. That room is huge! Love it! (*(*dragonfish*)*)

    • Jenna says:

      I luv the shower

    • PepperPots says:

      I love the re-design! Hailey and Elwin always do such a good job. The one before looks as though it was just thrown together. ~PepperPots

    • mamaeukey1 says:

      But VERY EXPENSIVE. I personally do not have over twenty bucks to spend on pixals. I wish they would keep the decorating ideas for all. I mean we can only use wshop items when we do a room design for contests. Same rules should apply, RIGHT?

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