Rockabilly Rooster Winners!

Congratulations to Fluttershy736, Train_Dude, limabean8054, Julie3 and Knitchic88!They’re our randomly selected winners and have each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Rockabilly Rooster!

Adopt the Rockabilly Rooster any time in October to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

78 Responses to Rockabilly Rooster Winners!

  1. digibirds208 says:

    I want it!!!!!

  2. kkkcat723 says:

    well i agree we should all congratulate and not hate so great job fluttershy

  3. Ashton8H says:

    CorynPlatypus how do you know?

  4. CorynPlatypus says:

    When are they announcing the winners for the Lemur and Seal contests?

  5. pinkpinkblue says:

    When will they announce the harper seals? Oh congrats!

  6. tommyboyiscute says:

    congrats man :)

  7. stuperstar says:

    congrats fluttershy736 and flutter shy will you let me come to your house and play and let be friends

  8. sulaiman3606 says:


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