Rockabilly Rooster Winners!

Congratulations to Fluttershy736, Train_Dude, limabean8054, Julie3 and Knitchic88!They’re our randomly selected winners and have each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Rockabilly Rooster!

Adopt the Rockabilly Rooster any time in October to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

78 Responses to Rockabilly Rooster Winners!

  1. seyram4 says:

    Enjoy these roosters because you worked hard for them! GO TEAMWORK!!!!

  2. iluvmusic says:

    Congrats! Lol I have a random question can anyone answer: How do I see if someone has replied to my comments? I want to see feedback from ya’ll, but I comment on a lot so it’s hard to see whose replied and stuff. Please reply to this and let me know it would mean a lot! Thanks!

  3. spheal090 says:

    I just hope I win Decembers Sparkle Harp Seal. Seals are my favorite animal!

  4. concreter says:

    Uh…I have one question…When are you going to put the winners of the Sifaka Lemurs????The curiosity is ‘KILLING’ me!!!!! #It’sAllGood #JoinTheAdventure

  5. annarippy says:

    Congratulations winners!

  6. Webkinz103 says:

    I want this one so badly because me and my mom have been searching every where for it and i haven’t fond it and i was born in the roster and i want to make a video in the kinzstars.

  7. ada3211 says:

    Awww…. I wish I’ve known about this, the pet is SOOOO cute! Friend me, I’m ada3211 in Webkinz, and April Starshower in Amazing World.

  8. rocketpower says:

    man a rooster was my favorite aw well have fun with roosters winners

  9. y33onWKN says:

    Congratulations everyone! :) Enjoy your Rockabilly Roosters! :D

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