Rockin’ Click to Win!

We’re pretty excited about our upcoming Webkinz ROCKERZ line of plush pets (check out the sneak peeks we posted earlier this month) and to continue the celebration we’re giving away select pieces of “Rockin’” eStore exclusive outfits!

Look for this ad each day between March 25 and March 31 to win a random eStore exclusive piece of virtual clothing. Possible prizes include the Hit the Club Outfit Dress, the Too Cool Hat and the Rock Diva Kilt.

Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day. Each day begins at 12:00am and ends at 11:59pm.

179 Responses to Rockin’ Click to Win!

  1. chickenpotpie45 says:

    OK, did u c the new rockin’ petz???? OMG i love the so darn cute bulldog!!!!!!!!! I got the dress… i was hoping for the hat… LOL


  2. Hannah says:

    So excited!!

  3. DD says:

    o.m.g soooooooooooooooo cool

  4. yancy says:


  5. Max says:

    wow! can anyone tell me how to get this? i am a little confused. thx!!! :) :P :D -Deja Vu the black lab. I <3 ya sparks!

  6. Webkinz user says:

    omg!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!! so happy i am so like a diva girl! and so is my pet brianna we are going to try to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay thanks ganz! :) :)

  7. rio2929 says:

    can’t wait, see you all at the contest today.:)

  8. rio2929 says:

    I can’t wiat any longer i want to win a prize right now. START THE CONTEST NOW, please.:)

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