Rooster Winners

It’s August 1st, and that means the Webkinz Rooster is the featured Pet of the Month! Adopt the Rooster any time in August to get some cool prizes, including Spree rolls, a Wish Token and, of course, a Pet of the Month exclusive prize!

We wanted to know what your favorite camp activities were! Our randomly selected winners are Caitlyn, Christine, Tiffany, Lucie and Serena! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Rooster.

And what’s the favorite camp activity? Swimming!

56 Responses to Rooster Winners

  1. webkinzally1999 says:

    Poppydawn, I feel ur pain. Mine was awesome, but did I win? NO! Hey, Poppydawn, do u read warriors?

    • Hallie1589 says:

      dont worry i never have ever one neither…. i think you should only be able to win 1-5 prizes then let other people have a turn to win a get a prize. but it will never be fair! ): ): ):

  2. corinne says:

    great job to all the winners. you guys are very very very lucky people. i whis i won.

  3. coufis99 says:


  4. Isabel says:

    Congrats to the winners I entered the contest, but I didn’t win oh well, I love to swim too!

  5. nichole says:

    i lost!!!
    not fair not enough winners!!

  6. jmcs1966 says:

    Nice job winners and keep on swimming , but not with the roosters I don’t think they like water . Only to drink!

  7. Bluewolf says:

    congratulations you guys for winning the contest!!!
    ps… swimming is my favorite camp activity too!:)

  8. midnight moon says congrats to winners! ☺ says:

    congrats to all the winners! :) have fun with ur new roosters!
    -♫♥*midnight moon*♫♥

  9. ice-cream♥♥♥ says:


  10. imadreama♥ says:

    Great job winners!!! :) ;)
    ~ imadreama♥~

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