Rooster Winners

It’s August 1st, and that means the Webkinz Rooster is the featured Pet of the Month! Adopt the Rooster any time in August to get some cool prizes, including Spree rolls, a Wish Token and, of course, a Pet of the Month exclusive prize!

We wanted to know what your favorite camp activities were! Our randomly selected winners are Caitlyn, Christine, Tiffany, Lucie and Serena! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Rooster.

And what’s the favorite camp activity? Swimming!

56 Responses to Rooster Winners

  1. igotasisternamednana says:

    Aww man. Two of those smiley faces didn’t work… :(

  2. igotasisternamednana says:

    Congrats to all the winners!! :) I didn’t win, but it’s okay! (:
    - Igo. ♥

  3. Ethan says:

    I have a rooster but I didn’t win.

  4. Caitlyn says:

    I WON YAY!!!!!!!

  5. #1webkinzfangirl! says:

    i like roosters but i need that pelican!!

  6. JWMS says:

    i wished i would have won
    i never win any of the contests!!


  7. djcastro says:

    my name is Tiffany but i didnt win :(

  8. Sydney says:

    I wish I had won :(


    i didnt winnnn!!!!!!! i am sooo madd

  10. webkinz says:

    good job i entered i didint win

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