Royal Webkinz Wedding + Secret Word

Hi everyone, Fredrick here! Webkinz Day has finally arrived and we’ve been celebrating all day in Webkinz World!

All of the pets in Webkinz World who had received a fancy wedding invitation, showed up early this morning to witness our pretend royal wedding.

After what seemed like a fairly long wait, our soon-to-be married Princess showed up with her two bridesmaids in a luxurious white limo – Webkinz World’s best item for arriving in style.

Princess Taffy stunned the guests with a breathtaking Princess outfit studded with beautiful heart-shaped jewels. Since this was a pretend wedding, she decided not to wear a real wedding dress for the event.

The Blue Whale and Lamb were equally as stunning as bridesmaids and added lots of glamour to our regal affair with a sparkling tiara and a pretty Rapunzel dress.

Our Fresco Hamster and Carousel Horse played the King and Queen in the wedding, watching the wedding from an ultra fancy Lounging Lion Throne.

Our room was decorated using Town Hall Wallpaper (eStore) and gorgeous red flowers from the W-Shop. I also had the wedding planners hang Griffin House Tapestries and a King’s Feast Dining Table to bring an extra special touch.

Once the wedding was over, our Prince (the Black and White Cheeky Puppy) and Princess Taffy quickly ran down the aisle and flew off to play in one of the many Webkinz World castles.

Fifth Secret Word: Beeedazzle

You’ve now got the last word to complete the spell! The first 30 people on Twitter to “tweet” the spell (to our Twitter account @webkinz) will receive a code for Castle Tower!

Contest details

Our royal Wedding items:

Griffin House Tapestry (Room Decoration) – eStore

King’s Feast Dining Table (Room Decoration) - eStore

Lounging Lion Throne (Room Decoration) - eStore

Princess Costume Set (Calico Cat) – eStore

Prince Costume Set (Black and White Cheeky Puppy) – eStore

Brown Knight Figure (Room Decoration) – eStore

Royal Whimsy Dragon Figure (Room Decoration) – eStore

King’s Costume Set (Fresco Hamster) – eStore

Queen’s Costume Set (Carousel Horse) – eStore

Rapunzel Costume set (Lamb) – eStore

Tiara (Blue Whale) – eStore

There’s now an entire category of royal items in the eStore.

Disclaimer: In order to participate in the “5-word Spell CONTEST”, participants must send in their entries on Twitter. If you’re under 13 years of age, you may need some help from your parents or older siblings that have a Twitter account.

129 Responses to Royal Webkinz Wedding + Secret Word

  1. HELP!!! says:

    Am I the only one that is having problems with Twitter opening for them???

  2. Sweetstripe says:

    I’m trying to go to twitter, but it says that it is “Over Capacity” :(

  3. multidragonlady says:

    it says twitter is over capacity! I cannot believe my rotten luck! I hope WKN does something about this!

  4. bananas4ryanna says:

    Soooo frustrated – Twitter is over capacity and I can’t tweet!

  5. Marissa says:

    hi there this is cool but i only got the last word!

  6. ARGH says:

    Twitter is down

  7. Crabcake says:

    How do we know if we won?

  8. Crabcake says:

    I think we are over capacitating twitter LOL

  9. lizzygirl22 says:

    Wow!!! I want to be a princess, who’s with me on that?

    • PARTY!! says:

      HELLO FELLOW WEBKINZ!! I AM GOING TO TRY TO GET ENOUGH FRIENDS TO THROW A PARTY. I WILL DO IT TOMORROW OR SUNDAY. MY USERNAME IS: iloveethel . I WILL CONFIRM ALL REQUESTS. Thank you and I might even throw in some exclusive items if I get enough friends!!

      • rose says says:

        i would like to come and party!!!!! i will ask you to be my buddy and then invite me ok? or um how would i do it if you don’t? ok? I promise that i will come (if the party is tommorrow then can it be between 6:00pm to about 10:00 pm ok? I have somthing to do in the early afternoon and morning:D ( If it’s on sunday then can it be between (9:00am to 10:30am or 4:00pm to 8:00pm) ok? sorry but i would really like to come and i don’t want to dissipoint you (because i somethimes or often forget to go o what time or i don’t even look at the letter untill it has already past!) i will try not to :)

        • geotraxboy says:

          Fredrick the magic frog is not real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          That person who made it gets the credit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          To the person who made it:

        • unhappy! says:

          how come i didnt get invited not fair not fair not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Peacegirlbeebs008 says:

        add me I am pearlah i maybe even throw a party with retired PSI and rare and maybe exclusive well add me and i might have one tommorow

      • butterbomb says:


      • iampermmonkey says:

        come on!!! i tried… but it says that u already have TO MANY INVATATIONS!!!!! wwaaaahh! i really want 2 be at the party! plus… i only have 2 exclusive items… and one of them CAME WITH MY PET!!!!

      • jlolynn says:

        ok please invite me to your party! I will add you to my friends list and there are five letters in my name then 066 Please Invite Me! I will definetly come to your awesome party. What theme is it going to be? I cant wait to come! C U There!

      • gp1801 says:

        my user is gp1801 i’ll add you. I’ll try to come because i LOVE parties! Just accept when i ask to be friends.

      • kitty lover says:

        Hey, could i come to your party? my username is CHARIE3 all caps thanks!

      • shelby says:

        YAY I WANNA PARTY!!!!MY USER IS 11shelby11

      • webkinz101 says:



    • webkinzgirl says:

      i know why did this!

    • TALESA says:


    • Lexi says:

      does anybody have the tea tree from the super wheel? oh yeah and i still need nafarias purple slippers and fairy falls forest tiara and shutter shades. thanks and happy webkinz day!

    • danielalexander456 says:

      I will attend! By the way my username is danielalexander.
      I will confirm all friend requests.

    • kaitlyn says:

      I hope webkinz world considers this. i have read many other posts that state the same thing. i am in middle school and I dont even have a twitter. i, and my family includeing my webkinz addicted sister and dad, agree that contests should not be on twitter. i recently read a comment that said their was a contest on twitter and an adult won because the kinds didn’t have a twitter. i think this is very unfair and should change or i will get my mom to write to you. thank you.(:

      • Sapphire says:

        I don’t have a Twitter. They should keep all contests involving Webkinz INSIDE their Webkinz web sites! No outside web sites! It’s not fair that not many people have a Twitter!

    • Jason says:

      If I get enough friends I’m going to have a party. My username is Jason065

    • AbbyFlower7 says:

      Happy Birthday Webkinz Razzle Beedazzle

    • not awesome says:

      not awesome i dont have a twitter

    • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

      I don’t like the room.

    • autumnchild1999 says:

      I am going to throw a party-wedding. My username is at the top. I will have it May 6th or 7th. Here is the web. I need:
      A Cat with a Wedding dress, A Cat with a Tux, A dog who does the marrage thing, Three brides maids, Two flower girls, A ring berrer, And other webkinz coming. Please tell me if it is a good idea!

    • SoccerSquirrell says:

      Most owners are under 13 – do you want us to ignore the law to get twitter?

      You shouldn’t do things most of us can’t do.

      And you forgot -
      Something is wrong because it’s Sunday and the vans are floating,
      but all the pages they go to say expired…..
      Your programmers are not on the ball the weekend.

      They also forgot to tell us…
      The COMMUNAL CONTEST is BACK but they forgot to advertize it.

      Please register and play HUNGRY HOG this weekend.

      The link for the page on WW is hidden – go to the front page of Kinzville Times.
      Above the page index is an ad, usually for POTM; click it.
      On this new page, the ad in the same spot (just above the index) is for the Communal Contest.
      Click it and you will get to the CC page so you can register and see our progress.
      At 4am Sat we are about 23%, really good with such a hidden event.

      We need 65,000,000 points – that would be 1,000 people getting 65,000 points each, or equivalent.
      I get over 3,000 points in 1 quick game, so that’s 1000 people playing 20 or so games like me.
      My cousin gets about 15,000 a game, so only 5 for pros like her.
      Right now, it’s actually fewer people needed to do this, only 770. Will you be one? Or part of “one”?
      We CAN do it if everyone spreads the word and pitches in.
      The prize is the Ginko tree, which you can sell if you don’t like.

      Please HELP, even 1 game. Register and play. Spread the word.

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