Sassy Skunk Winners!

Congratulations to strawberrylynx, jakeally, chocolatecupcake2, rainbowkittenluver, and brevel, our randomly selected winners. They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Sassy Skunk, February’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Sassy Skunk anytime in February to win a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else.


65 Responses to Sassy Skunk Winners!

  1. strawberrylynx says:

    Oh my goodness, I won! Thank you so much ganz!! I’m super happy right now!

  2. Pigolicious says:

    Ganz never posted the winners of the November 2014 and December 2014 contests. Why?????

  3. mavericks2014 says:

    congrats to winners

  4. emmabemma04love says:

    um i have the sassy skunk but how do u get the loot bag

  5. kin2832 says:

    Congrats ya’ll!:)

  6. iowasadie says:

    good job im happy you guys won i wish i would win. it sounds cool:(

  7. bronziebear says:

    Congrats winners!

  8. brevel says:


  9. kittymade10 says:

    Man I thought I had this one, oh well congrats.

  10. ambermc82 says:

    how do you enter the contest?

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