Silk Sparrow Winners

Congratulations to Grace, Josie, Sean, Kaitlyn and Bridget! They’ve each been sent TWO Secret codes for the prize-only Silk Sparrow virtual pet! We wanted to hear what eStore items you would give as a holiday gift (to yourself or someone else) and why. Read the winning entries below.

If I could give my family anything from the eStore, I would give my mom the Sweet Sushi Plant because she loves gardening on Webkinz World and loves to feed Sushi to her pets and loves to eat Sushi herself. My sister, the one that is closest in age to me, would get the climbing tree because she loves to climb trees in real life and is making one of her backyard’s into a forest in WW. My youngest sister would get a play pile of leaves be cause she loves to rake leaves up and jump in them and she loves interactive items on WW. I know that they would love these gifts because they love Webkinz World. -Grace

I’d really like to give a Reindeer Webkinz, Milk and Cookies tree, and a Santakinz Gift bag to my friend who is always there for me.  She’s always been there and I want to give her some Holiday cheer. I really think my friend needs Holiday cheer and I want her to have a Merry Christmas, even though I really need it too. My Friend has been there forever, she’s like my sister. I need her as she needs me, so I want to repay her by giving her a Christmas Surprise! I hope we all can have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. I hope you have a Merry Merry Christmas! -Josie

If I could get three things for my friend from the Ganz eStore I would buy him the Angelic Ice Fawn Sculpture, the Wild Ride Ice Slide, and the Elven Bathing Pool. I would get him the Angelic Ice Fawn Sculpture because he loves his Fennec Fawn pet, so this gift would remind him of his fawn. I would buy him the Wild Ride Ice Slide because it reminds me of all the great times of sledding with him. I think it will remind him too, because the cart looks like it’s a sled sliding down a hill. Lastly I would buy the Elven Bathing Pool because he has a beautiful garden at his Webkinz house, and I think this pool would make a great addition to it. That is why I would buy my friend the Angelic Ice Fawn Sculpture, the Wild Ride Ice Slide, and the Elven Bathing Pool in the Ganz eStore. -Sean

In my friend’s holiday gift: the Goofy Snowball Hill, Santakinz Gift Bag, and the Milk and Cookies Tree. I would give her the Goofy Snowball Hill because we love to have goofy snowball fights and go sledding together, the Santakinz Gift Bag because she gives me the gift of her friendship and I want to give her a gift back, and the Milk and Cookies Tree because we both love milk, and we both love cookies! -Kaitlin

This year on Christmas, I think I would give my friend things that would tell someone about her personality. First I would give her a CandyKinz Gelato Bird, because she loves birds and she likes candy, too. Second, I would give her the High Heel Bed because she really likes shoes, also because glitter and pink are on her list of favorites. Lastly I would give her a Wild Ride Ice Slide because she is a person who really enjoys rides and slides , and she loves to ice-skate. The silk sparrows would be a wonderful addition to her family of pets, and also mine. -Bridget

11 Responses to Silk Sparrow Winners

  1. Just Wondering says:

    Congrats to the winners! :D
    However, I am just wondering how exactly Ganz chooses the winners? I know my daughter is getting frustrated. She enters almost every single contest and has never won one. I hate to see her work for hours on end and then be so disappointed when she never wins. Her entries are actually extremely well written and impressively creative. And I’m not just sugarcoating it because she’s my daughter – We go to craft sales and her creations sell better than mine, LOL.
    I hope I’m not sounding like a sore loser or a bad mother. I am very happy for the people who won. I just wish I could know how you scored so that in the future we can do something right. I tell her I still love her entries most of all, but no matter what I do my opinions can’t get her a Silk Sparrow, lol.
    Congratulations again to the winners. :)

    • bb39990 says:

      I honestly don’t think they have time to go through everything so they just kind of randomly pick and it’s unfortunate. I do wish it were solely based on creativity and that they categorized the ages so that fairness based on age would be there as well. The contests are awesome but I stopped a long time ago when I realized that the effort I put forth in being creative was pointless! I did, however enter this one again because of the prize and surprisingly, was not chosen as one of the winners lol! Oh wait, I wasn’t surprised. *-) If you’d like, I’ll send you a copy of what I submitted and you can show your daughter that someone else was disappointed as well haha! Anyway, keep with it and maybe the moon will somehow align itself with Venus and Pluto and you’ll get a win! Or you can start using quick pick on the lotto if you’d like slightly better odds lol! :D

    • Gracie anne :) !!!!!!!!! says:

      i am glad u care that much about your daughter!! :) sorry she lost. :(

  2. playingwithfire says:

    Great Job everyone who won. Sadly, I didn’t win, but I’m glad these people did they did a fantastic job on their stories wish I could have won, but hey maybe next time :)

  3. CatloverClover says:

    Didn’t win..whatever. >.> Congrats winners! Very lucky and exciting to win!

  4. goldenturtle9090 says:

    lucky everyone who won i entered but lost!!!

  5. glittery3 says:

    Congrats! Good job to all of you!
    I was going to enter, but then I could not enter.
    Keep up the goog work!

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