SPREE Tomorrow!

Want a bonus roll for SPREE? Be sure to visit Webkinz Newz tomorrow and look for this special SPREE ad. When you find it, click on it!

Limit one prize per Webkinz Account.

187 Responses to SPREE Tomorrow!

  1. milkster says:

    I have collected all the colored shopping bags and did not get a special prize as promised! Has this happened to anyone else?

  2. LINDA says:

    WEEEEE!!!!!! I LOVE IT:)

  3. sissyapr21 says:

    Can’t wait!

  4. 00April14 says:

    i cant belive it the computer just told me i was writing to fast and demanded i slow down OMG

  5. moonstone1wolf says:

    i agree along with FEBRUARY BABY! the game do needs some rewards especially to help our kinz budgets.
    and to motivate a bit more playing. webkinz do please post this.

  6. lenabell says:

    SPREE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. bedo4 says:

    I like Februarybaby’s idea of getting something for the shopping bag if you’ve already gotten one. OR let us accumulate them like we can accumulate gems. But seriously, we need more than one roll a day!!!

  8. Moose Lover says:

    YES!! I love SPREE I’m soo close to the mall!!! ; )

  9. chocochimp222 says:

    i don’t like always landing on the red shopping bag. And three rolls a day.

  10. What says:

    GO SPREE!!!!!!!!!

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