SPREE Tomorrow!

Want a bonus roll for SPREE? Be sure to visit Webkinz Newz tomorrow and look for this special SPREE ad. When you find it, click on it!

Limit one prize per Webkinz Account.

187 Responses to SPREE Tomorrow!

  1. muchacha says:


  2. mmk2009 says:

    Can’t find the spree ad anywhere

  3. gramwks says:

    Maybe when you land on a shopping bag you already have they could give mall credits! That would be great! Sorry about your luck losing your shopping bags and all. I got robbed once, too, but all they took were a few mall credits. I also got to the mall my first time, landed right on the square that says Mall, but couldn’t get in. I waited until the next day to get another dice to roll in order to go through the door of the mall, but when I got in the game, I was back on square one – didn’t get to shop or nothing! I am way at the bottom now, working my way back up. Hope that doesn’t happen to anyone else.

  4. Vanessa says:

    It’s not working. :(

  5. meekoluv says:

    I got it!!!!! WHooo Hooo

  6. Joycejab says:

    Great game but not enough shopping for us fashion girls, need more clothing.

  7. cathym524 says:

    I got to the mall early and I couldn’t buy half the prizes because I din’t have enough money! Plus, I din’t think the prizes were all that great. :(

  8. fishstix2000 says:

    it used to make me log out bfore but now it does not. like 2 days ago. :)

  9. Karen says:

    This is cool!!

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