Stoogles’ Invitation


Stoogles here with a tricky situation. My family doesn’t really celebrate Thanksgiving in a big way, but I’ve always wanted to go to a REAL Thanksgiving dinner. So here’s what I’ve got to do: get an invitation from one of my friends. But how? I mean, I can’t very well invite myself to one of their dinners, right?

I was going to try and get myself invited to Sparky’s Thanksgiving, but it sounds like his is going to be pretty quiet, with just him and his uncle Arte. Then I figured maybe I’d try and go to Salley’s Thanksgiving, but she might be going to see her dad. Maybe I’ll see if Cowabelle is feeling generous. I hear Dacey Bryn might be at her Thanksgiving dinner – a brush with fame AND a real, honest-to-goodness feast. This might just be my best Thanksgiving ever!

27 Responses to Stoogles’ Invitation

  1. REALLY ANGRY says:

    Ganz i’m not american i’m canadian.

    • kiddykat11 says:

      I’m glad someone else feels the way I do. I’m Canadian too, and I don’t like what a big fuss Ganz is making about the American thanksgiving. In Canada we have Thanksgiving in October and it’s like no one else even cares. :-(

  2. Hollister says:

    Trust me, thanks giving is asome!!! U shiuld def talk to ur parent about it!!!

  3. lillyfoot2372 says:

    cool! happy thanksgiving!!!!!!!

  4. sstar642000 says:

    You should just ask someone if you could spend your Thanksgiving with them. I don’t think that someone would be really mean to you for asking. Sstar (*.*

  5. PolarBear4Ever says:

    I would invite you to my house, so just ask someone. They’ll gladly open their doors to you.

    • KittyLover38603 says:

      I would too! I mean, in Webkinz land I would! I would make my pet Floppy make a feast and everything just for you, and maybe a favorite kind of your pie! Good luck on finding a great place to snack this Thanksgiving! God bless!

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    Good luck with that!!!!

  7. ATeenageWolf says:

    Stoogles, Thanksgiving is a time where you spend time with FAMILY and be thankful of all the other blessings you have in your life it’s not about the food (although I have admit I can’t resist a thanksgiving dinner) it’s all about family and being thankful :)

    • krystalkat says:

      Your right ATeenageWolf! Its all about being thankful for everything you have. Some people dont have mist the stuff you have you know. Im never really at the dinner table, I force myself to be there. Its the turkey, Im a veggitarian so its hard. Although I do live nashed potatoes. Stoogles! we dont really celebrate Thanksgiving either really. We just go to our neighbors/friends houses ajd all spend together, which is the real meaning of Thanksgiving. ;) ~KK♥

  8. cathouse2 says:

    Have a good thanksgiving stoogles! >>cathouse2

  9. zeph317 says:

    Stoogles, maybe you could get together with Arte Fact and Sparky and volunteer (with your parents’ permission) to help serve dinner at a homeless shelter or meal site, or help out at a nursing home. You could eat with the others there after you helped serve them. Maybe your family would want to join in and celebrate Giving Thanks in a whole new way!

  10. burnsey0814 says:

    Stoogles, you should talk to your friends and explain that you want to see what it is like. I have a few friends that celebrate different holidays. Last year we all took turns inviting one another to different holiday events so each one could see how different it could be. We each found things that we liked about the other holiday as well as some dislikes. You should try a “swap your holiday” with all of your friends! It’s really interesting :)

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