Summer Solstice Event

Be sure to visit Webkinz Newz on Tuesday, June 21st to celebrate the Summer Solstice with us! We’ll be giving away an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp — look for the floating Orange Table, then click on it! Fill in the fields correctly and an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp will be added to your Webkinz World account.


The Summer Solstice is known for having the most hours of sunlight in a day — after June 21st, the days will get shorter and shorter until the Winter Solstice.

Did you know? It’s only the Summer Solstice on June 21 in the Northern hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the Winter Solstice!


What: Floating Orange Table
When: Tuesday, June 21, 2011. 12:00am to 11:59pm EST.
How: Search Webkinz Newz for the floating Orange Table. Click on it when you see it, fill out the form correctly, and an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp will be added to your Webkinz World account.
One prize per Webkinz World account per day.

120 Responses to Summer Solstice Event

  1. greenspryte says:

    Some of do celebrate Solstice so thanks Ganz. No the prizes aren’t spectacular but I am glad that you are recognizing that it is something to celebrate.

  2. BandanaBay says:

    Thank you Webkinz! All these give-a-ways are really COOL! I know about the longest day in the year by living in Northern Minnesota~ it is great! On the other hand, winters get long! :) Anyway, I just wanted to say thankz 4 making WebkinzWorld so much fun all the time!

  3. Rachel says:

    i dont know about this. im not complaining, just saying that these items are cheap and easy to get. but, its just for fun so i dont really care. please add me as a friend my username is: rmlleblanc. i will be throwing a party summer party soon so i want more friends. <3 Rachel <3

  4. horsluvr123 says:

    Haha! I have those two together in my Fruit themed room! funny they’d give those two out together and sitting on top like that!

  5. Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez says:

    i already own both. . .ganz/webkinz, pretty please with webkinz on top do this click and findand find so-and-so 5 times stuff more often, and this time give us all e-store and retired w-shop items!!!! (And do tresur ehuints more often please and thank you!)

  6. SoccerSquirrell says:

    Nice event…

    but when are you starting summer daily activity hours?
    We’re now 4 weeks out of school, and the Monday activities only start at 4pm
    We’ll probably be back IN school before you have them.

    • The Doctor says:

      Patience. My exams have just finished and others still have exams at my school. My friends form other schools don’t finish school until the end of this month. Ganz is letting everyone have an equal opportunity for the summer hour daily activities. They will start when Summer Sensation begins (28th), so just be patient.

      • Tommy says:

        No, not equal opportunity.

        We go back Aug 8th, so early Aug too.
        The summer hours run until end Aug, so we miss all those weeks.
        Equal opportunity would run mid-May to mid-Sept
        (yep, my cousin’s school goes through end Jun but off until mid-Sept).
        That way everyone would have it their full time-off.

    • SF says:

      yeah I noticed! I go to camp, but before

  7. punkin55555 says:

    That is cool. I am creating a country guest room. Friend me I am punkin55555

  8. Always :) says:

    Summer solstice= more swimming!
    I love swimming!
    -Always :-)

    • SoccerSquirrell says:

      I LOVE swimming too!
      Are you on a team?
      We’re starting our 4th week, and our 2nd meet is coming up.
      We had to cancel one due to a pool problem – we had to use a smaller pool for practice that week.
      Our practices are 8am in the morning and 8pm at night — so it won’t be so hot.
      My favorite is breast stroke, though I usually get 1 or 2 in IM also.

  9. bern2 says:

    Wow, pretty cool. I just bought the orange table from Artie about 2 weeks ago.

  10. Just Me... :) says:

    Yay! First one to comment! :)

    … Anyway, this is kind of cool, but I wish they’d give out more rare and valuable items… ‘Cause I already have both of these… :(

    • webkinzkiddies says:

      I agree! WShop items shouldn’t be given away as prizes when they are cheap and easy to get at the WShop. I mean come on…!! This is the WORST contest thing I’ve ever seen them do. :(

      • BatRulz says:

        Well I think these are actually Curio Shop items but I get what you are saying…the prizes should be something spectacular…not something easily gotten.

        • micky says:

          yes your right the prizes should me more spectacular

          • david says:

            now webkinz newz is making everyone mad!

          • loving webkinz says:

            why would people waster their time with something you can get for under 200 kc? i will NOT be here!! :(

          • mistie1000 says:

            You guys are being really ungrateful. Sure you can buy them, but #1: If they give a rare, about everyone will have it and it won’t be rare. #2: Just cause you can buy them doesn’t make it dumb. You get them for FREE instead. I WILL be here cause it is just nice of them to give it out.

            ~mistie1000 (peace maker)

          • gardensnake says:

            When I get W shop prizes, I just sell them. now I have over 10000kc.

          • elizabeth says:

            I have over 10000kc to but i am going to come . you are right they are kind of lame but at least we get something.

          • Elena says:

            thank u!!!! at least there r a few people who understand these things.
            i agree with everything u said, and i will be here too :-)

          • Elizabeth (peace maker) says:

            I so agree !

          • kara says:

            i agree with mistie1000 u guys should be grateful that u get something

          • *Roseluvr* says:

            I agree completely with you. If everyone got a rare item,it wouldn’t be rare anymore. It’s nice of them to give us anything at all. :)

          • 7toygirl7 says:

            You guys are being really ungrateful. I agree with mistie1000. Everyone is being in a bad mood just because you can buy it in the w shop, but I never saw the lamp in the w shop and I think it is cool.

          • mistie1000 says:

            Awwwwwww! Thanks you guys! Anyway… I am looking but I can’t find it… oh well! I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!

          • peace to all says:

            I have the lamp but I forgot how i got it

          • Emily says:

            I’m just going to sell them

          • just be grateful says:

            Ya be grateful that you get something i know that webkinz does alot of stuff like this but u shoud really think this is for free all i have to do is go to webkinznewz and look for the floating orange table then click then enter you info and you have 2 things that is free. I am going to be here i always do this stuff unless i am out of town or something. Thanks.

        • Emily says:

          Same thing , right?

        • brownszinc4 says:

          i totally agree

      • mkg8464 says:

        That was mean! They can not give out rare Items because then they will become common. At least you are getting something, most people do not even celabrate (sorry I can’t spell) summer solstic! be HAPPY

        • Dawnstar says:

          Be happy you have an oppertunity to get something. SOME of us will be at camp on the day they give out prizes. :( -*Dawnstar*

        • webkinzkiddies says:

          It isn’t common when you only get 1 per account. I can go to the Curio or WShop (whever those things are sold) and a hundred. By giving only 1 per account that makes it RARE. It needs to be something special…and that’s a fact.

          It should have been a special Sun related item…like a table, plate, bed, hat, ect. The fruit has nothing to do with the holiday/celebration. :(

        • 4beth1 says:

          ROFL! Yup! your right. If it was something AMAZING RARE! EVERYONE would have it. It wouldn’t be rare or cool anymore but just something every Webkinz would nearly have!

      • Tumble says:

        Why are the prizes from the W-shop?! Honestly…So sad,isn’t it? To get prizes you can already buy with KC!

      • lillyluvie says:

        LOL! I already have both of these. You can just buy them at the wshop: whats the point?
        I agree, its not a very well-thought-of contest. ~LillyLuvie* :)

        • Cat says:

          You can’t buy these at the w-shop. They are Curio Shop only items and they’re also one of Arte’s Favorites.
          But they are still pretty easy to get since they aren’t actually rare but you still have to look in the Curio Shop for them. Just check in every hour until you find them.

      • Sgirl says:

        Hey at least they’re giving out stuff! Plus it’s free so…… Not everything HAS to be exclusive you know.

      • daddysgirlcool says:

        It’s not the worst. I think that all of you should be happy that you could get this chance. Some people miss all the free stuff and have to buy it in the W shop. Just be happy for what you have.

    • star1551 says:

      heeey im kinda new here and dont have alot of friends can you please give me your username so i can add you.mine is star1551

    • mycleo says:

      hi every one i just wanted to say congrats linkiris for winning the glass slippers!!

    • PAIGE says:

      the contest prize should be something that you can’t get any where else! like a big awesome decor! or a free online webkin!

    • misa says:

      ya i agree. i hav both of them too….

    • me says:

      sounds cool i have both allready

    • tiger in ocean says:

      hi sup sup sup who won the contest for the webkinz guide ?

    • webkinz user says:

      You KIDDING? I have 18973 KINZCASH!

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