Summer Solstice Event

Be sure to visit Webkinz Newz on Tuesday, June 21st to celebrate the Summer Solstice with us! We’ll be giving away an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp — look for the floating Orange Table, then click on it! Fill in the fields correctly and an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp will be added to your Webkinz World account.


The Summer Solstice is known for having the most hours of sunlight in a day — after June 21st, the days will get shorter and shorter until the Winter Solstice.

Did you know? It’s only the Summer Solstice on June 21 in the Northern hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the Winter Solstice!


What: Floating Orange Table
When: Tuesday, June 21, 2011. 12:00am to 11:59pm EST.
How: Search Webkinz Newz for the floating Orange Table. Click on it when you see it, fill out the form correctly, and an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp will be added to your Webkinz World account.
One prize per Webkinz World account per day.

120 Responses to Summer Solstice Event

  1. WACKYSTAR says:

    guys don’t be rude ganz is trying there best .they thought you might enjoy but if you dont then do not complete this task.what if it was you giving away this stuff and you think they will love it and then you hear all bad responses.

  2. Hermione2000 says:

    I am very grateful for this. It is a fun prize giveaway. Not Antique Roadshow.

  3. Tiger says:

    I think the prize should be a little better, but I don’t expect some spectacular super rare item or anything. If it were that big, it would be too easy to get. They might do it once in a while, but not every time there is a floaty clicky contest.

  4. Alex says:

    I agree! It would be great if there was a orange umbrella or something like that for the prize.

  5. vickinger1 says:

    ok today is the 20th so TOMORROW thats when ill be there hey you know what I ALREADY HAVE THAT STUFF come on i thought of more rare items not these :’( aw why did you put these items on well ta least i get more for free thanks anyways.
    :D :) i like smiley faces

  6. cassieandpeanut says:

    Even if IT IS a common item you still get something and its free so you don’t have to spend your kinzcash and anyways if you already have it and you get it again you can always sell it and get kinzcash so just be happy they give something away. ♫♥♫

  7. emily says:

    i love webkinz they rule

  8. Gatiana says:

    I agree that all the Webkinz News contests would be more fun if the prizes were not things we could just buy ourselves. I do the silly contests because they are fun, but would llke to get better prizes. I love having the stuff float around, etc.

  9. lilly says:

    hey star1551 i will add you my username is LP2001

  10. PUPPY lover says:

    I have them BOTH! DO somthing NEW! But i like the pineapple lamp.

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