Summer Solstice Event

Be sure to visit Webkinz Newz on Tuesday, June 21st to celebrate the Summer Solstice with us! We’ll be giving away an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp — look for the floating Orange Table, then click on it! Fill in the fields correctly and an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp will be added to your Webkinz World account.


The Summer Solstice is known for having the most hours of sunlight in a day — after June 21st, the days will get shorter and shorter until the Winter Solstice.

Did you know? It’s only the Summer Solstice on June 21 in the Northern hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the Winter Solstice!


What: Floating Orange Table
When: Tuesday, June 21, 2011. 12:00am to 11:59pm EST.
How: Search Webkinz Newz for the floating Orange Table. Click on it when you see it, fill out the form correctly, and an Orange Table and Pineapple Lamp will be added to your Webkinz World account.
One prize per Webkinz World account per day.

120 Responses to Summer Solstice Event

  1. weirddaisy72 says:


  2. coolcharm1405 says:

    its cool

  3. coolcharm1405 says:

    how much money do you have on your webkinz acount i have 2154 i think at lease some where around there

  4. aqacie says:

    awesome! i dont have any of these! yay me. add me ! aqacie on webkinz world!

  5. kristen says:

    thats old wshop stuff but i agree!:)

  6. XxCaramelXxCandyXx says:

    Yeah, it’s not the best prizes but, don’t you guys think that you should be at least a little gratful? I mean Webkinz ( Ganz ) is donating their own time in which they could be spending freely..
    Thanks! :)

    ~ Caramel

  7. Jacqueline says:

    I think that they should have something more valuable,instead of something that you can get at the W-SHOP.

  8. Ellie says:

    I hope I remember!

  9. Hermione2000 says:

    Ganz is trying to do something nice for us. Be grateful you even get anything.

  10. Veronica says:

    I just wish they would at least recognize CANADIAN holidays for once. Thanksgiving in October (in Canada) comes around. What do we get? NOTHING. American Thanksgiving passes and what do they get? A big celebration. When will Canadian Webkinz members be treated like the Americans are treated?

    Sorry this is a bit off topic, but I read greenspryte’s comment and it reminded me.

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