Superhero Contest Winners

Congratulations to Grace, Isabel, Sarah, Tanner and Ty! They’ve each been sent an eStore exclusive super hero outfit. Check out their winning entries below!






132 Responses to Superhero Contest Winners

  1. beana says:

    I like Tanner’s best. Then Sarah, then Ty, then Isabel, then Grace. CONGRATS!!! They all ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Claudia says:

    I looooove Ty’s the best! that is like the best comic I have ever seen! So cute! everyone did a great job!

  3. maddie says:

    they are all good and i like them all

  4. colbs says:

    i love ty’s it funny…..

  5. colbs says:

    love your picture ty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  6. princesbelle66 says:

    not fair they all look like they were drawn by grown ups but isabelle’s sorry but its true

  7. mobobby says:

    Hey I love graces!!!!!UNICORNS FOEVER GRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please add me My user name is mobobby!!!!

  8. turkey1220yeah says:

    Anybody seen the show IDK jacks papers?

  9. budabbott says:

    anyone seen the show abbott & costello???

  10. budabbott says:


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