Superhero Contest Winners

Congratulations to Grace, Isabel, Sarah, Tanner and Ty! They’ve each been sent an eStore exclusive super hero outfit. Check out their winning entries below!






132 Responses to Superhero Contest Winners

  1. oviedude says:

    TY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D. And by the way are those mittens or punching gloves?

  2. 8sav8 says:

    This is an awesome drawing!!

  3. webkinz user says:

    friend me giselle1

  4. JJJJJJJJJ says:

    Ty’s is awesome! he deserves to win!

  5. POPCORN says:

    How did they win????? I WISH I DID…

  6. lionpawjunior says:


  7. sophia233 says:

    WOW i love those drawings its cool

  8. glitterdog says:

    i never win :(

  9. hermosillo1 says:

    Nice Job

  10. katy says:

    good job winners :)

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