The Almost Big Sister

Oh, wow! Let me tell you – it’s not easy being an almost-big sister! This can be very stressful! The baby is due, like, any second and last night my mom started having these pains and I thought this was it! I was running around, boiling water and trying to find clean sheets, (isn’t that what they always do on TV?) when my dad told me to calm down. Calm down? Hello, mister?! There’s a baby on the way!!!

He told me to be quiet and stop yelling (I was yelling?) because my mother was on the phone with the doctor. Her pains had stopped by then and the doctor said that it was false labor. Ugh! Now I know what Molly is talking about when she says Millie gets on her nerves – I mean, how could my new little sister or brother do this to me?

Then my dad told me that when the time comes I don’t need to boil water or get clean sheets because the hospital will have all of that. And then he made me tidy up the linen closet. Geez – I was only trying to help!

Oh, I don’t know how much more of this my nerves can handle!

Ooh – gotta run. I just heard my mother get up! Maybe THIS is it!

31 Responses to The Almost Big Sister

  1. goldfishkoi8088 says:

    Yay! Im so happy for you! The baby will be here b4 you know it! Thats how act when I have a webkinz arriving in the mail. Im all like! OPEN! CODE! NOW! I think Im obsessed. :)

  2. Hrsgrl10 says:

    lol Roberta I know how you feel! My little sister who is 11 years younger then me, was three days Late! We were all so Happy when she Finally came! Cannot wait to see your adorable little brother or little sister! :) I LOVE Baby’s!

    • BeachGirl says:

      I have five younger siblings so I know EXACTLY how you feel Roberta.My youngest sibling is 11 years younger than me she`ll be really little when I go to College(spelling????)Weird!

  3. isabelle says:

    awwwwwww soooo cccuuuttteee

  4. doglover says:

    Roberta i can ell your soooo exited maybe this is it if its not the little guy or girl will be coming soon(hoping its a boy agreed lovebugs131)

  5. Estrella says:

    I have found that having someone to talk to who is sympathetic and understands something of what you’re going through can help with those kinds of feelings. According to birth stories I’ve read online, false labor can happen off and on for WEEKS before the real thing starts. This can be terribly frustrating for the mother-to-be. Maybe you and your mom could talk and share frustrations if this kind of thing keeps happening a lot.

  6. lovebugs131 says:

    I hope it’s a boy, Reid is a good name.

  7. SapphireSea says:

    Yikes, that sounds like it’d be enough to drive a body bonkers. Just calm down and relax ~~O~~SapphireSea~*~*~

  8. oscrgrchy says:

    That is so cute but I am surprised her parents didn’t do the sibling visit to the hospital. Most hospitals have a short class for when you mom is expecting and tells them what will happen and what they can do to help. It is too bad because that would make it easier on her, a lot less messy too!

  9. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    Oh wow I can’t wait to hear more about your new brother or sister Roberta! So exciting! >>cathouse2

  10. RainbowRain* says:

    Lol, don’t worry Roberta, your parents will take care of all of this. But it’s great your trying to help. ~~Rainbow*Rain~~

    • krystalkat says:

      Agreed RainbowRain. I wasnt there when my sis was born. It was the day after Christmas. Dont worry Roberta, when the time comes the hospital will have this all sorted out. ~KK♥

      • Northwestern...last year I had the excitement says:

        My little cousin was born at the beginning of last school year, and I was getting excited, but unless it’s eight and a half months or sooner, don’t get super excited, or it makes it seem that much longer.

        • Chicago Made says:

          Well, everybody in my family are already Teens (I’m already 14, so…). Roberta, you should be a good big sister, and I think you’ll be great as a sister. ;) ~ⒸⓗⓘⓒⓐⓖⓞㄨⓂⓐⓓⓔ

          •'s the problem says:

            When I get super excited, I take forever to fall asleep, and then I end up waking up at five in the morning without an alarm clock because it’s all I can do to not go bouncing off the walls, and if it weren’t for the fact that I’m too tall and I’d whack my head on the ceiling, I’d probably be jumping on the bed in my sleep

          • magicmuffin says:

            I agree, I’m 15 and my younger sister is two years younger, but apparently when she was born, I wouldn’t leave her side when she came home (which was almost a month later, because she was born a month early!). But now even though we fight sometimes I still love her :)

      • isabelle says:

        i am a younger sister

      • pandablue92 says:

        My mom had to deal with nine of us and when mom was going to have a baby i got startled any time mom made noise or got its ok to be like that especially the first time your going to be a big sister and believe me its hard to watch them sometimes.they are stinky sometimes so i would make sure you know how to change a diaper.

    • Strawberry Starburst says:

      Agreed RR*. I was 7 when my younger brother was born(on October 31 which was quite the surprise since I was out trick or treating w/ my friend) So I basically no help @ all. So my 20(he was 17 @ that time) year old brother did ALL the work. (my dad was @ work & by that time my brother thought he was 2 old 2 trick or treat anymore.) I hope this time is it.I wouldn’t want it 2b a false alarm again. I’ve felt that way. When my mom was pregnant, I used 2 practice babysitting my 3 year old brother w/ a baby doll. $Strawberry out$

    • pandablue92 says:

      If it’s a girl you should name her Mazie and if it’s a boy Chase.

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