The Persian Palace Room Theme

Have you ever wanted to live in a palace? Ever since I was just a little elephant, that’s been a dream of mine. And now it’s coming true, with this gorgeous Persian Palace room! OK, so it’s not MY room, but I can live vicariously through my client!



My favorite thing about this theme is the color palette. I love the pinks, blues, turquoises and purples. I think this might be my favorite rare theme of all time – it’s just so pretty.

When I was designing this room, I wanted to make it comfortable and airy. That’s why I added not one but TWO beds, and a whole bunch of windows. I also think the pool in the corner adds an extra-special spa-like touch.

If you’re looking to build a palace of your own, make sure to visit the Curio Shop often and see what Arte has on sale. For other ways to get rare items, read on!

42 Responses to The Persian Palace Room Theme

  1. supper2002 says:

    I agree with you it is the best theme ever but its preety rare i’m trying to get the spa and bed the most but the other items too

  2. McKittyKitty says:

    Hmm…. this is not my fav theme, I actually like the Neo Gothic theme, but this is OK. I thought it was gonna be a lot worse.

  3. superroar says:

    I go on most days and I almost never seem to find items from the rare themes, like the Alice in Wonderland and this Persian theme. What am I doing wrong? When I check in with Arte at his special posted time he doesn’t have anything that great or special.

  4. shadow dragon says:

    it’s beautiful! i have the table with fruits.

  5. computerkid97 says:

    This is my favorite room theme! I love the colors. I just wish that it wasn’t SO EXPENSIVE at the curio shop.

  6. grdc says:

    awesome room :)

  7. frogbrains82 says:

    This is my all time favorite room theme! I wish I could get evrything, but it seems impossible. I love the BED!!!

  8. tyedyeducktape2 says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS THEME!!! I think i only have flooring though,

  9. Ix3K says:

    i absolutely LOVE this theme!!!! I’ve been collecting it for the past week or so and everything is coming together nicely! I even found the bed!!! except now i’m broke :(

  10. Boston719 says:

    I have two things from it . The bed, and the trophy pedestal.

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