Towel Bag












What you need:

-          Beach towel

-          Two nylon straps, about 25 inches each

-          Needle and thread OR sewing machine

What you do:

At one end of towel, centre nylon strap and sew each end of strap to the towel, about 10 inches apart. Repeat with second strap at other end of towel. With strap ends facing inwards, fold towel in half. Leaving a 1” seam, sew a straight line up either side of the towel. Turn bag inside out and you have a handy carry-all for a trip to the beach!

18 Responses to Towel Bag

  1. dune456 says:

    how cool and easy.. very simple yet effective. thanks for the instructions

  2. ShibaQueen says:

    Carry your Webkinz in it!

  3. Anberlin says:

    That is really really kool! ! ! :D I love it! And i’m an ok sewer so i shall try this.
    Ciao for now!

    • Hi says:

      I love sewing! I do it for 4-H. This year a made a skirt, tank top, and a shrug as an outfit. I think it’s cute. Last year I received first place on my sewing project! ~Hi~ :) :D ;)

  4. Pony girl says:

    cool i love it ~Pony girl~=) ps its really handy i could bring it to swim team that i have every day

  5. lgalbraith says:

    I know another craft! For the webkinz secret codes the blue string on it you can use the blue string for webkinz bows instead of throwing it out. <3

  6. Webkinz says:

    Cool but I don’t have any old towels and I’m horrible at sewing.

  7. MDIChickadee says:

    Great idea!!

  8. kapeka says:

    I think that the towel bag is kind’ove cool but it is way to much work because i do not know how to use a sewing machine and a needle and some thread takes to long for me! if you want to be my friend my username is kapeka!!!

  9. SooperDooperLooper says:

    My family and I love the beach. These towel bags work great!

  10. Moonstar says:

    That is really cool! I have old towels I could use!

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