Van Tour Contest Winners!

Congratulations to Amy, Cheyenne, Lisa, Sally and Sofia! They’ve each been sent a virtualĀ  2011 Road Trip Van! We wanted to see your pictures of your Webkinz pets next to the Webkinz Road Trip Van. Check out the winning entries below.






98 Responses to Van Tour Contest Winners!

  1. Elly says:

    Congratulations to you lucky winners! I did not enter this contest.

  2. Bluepeso says:

    Lisa’s is Fantastic! (So are the others)

  3. QueenVet says:

    Lisa, that’s AMAZING!! So real!!! :)

  4. KiarasKastle says:

    Congrats to the winners!!! Awesome pictures! :)

  5. candypuppy says:

    AWE there all so cute!!! Congrats Cheyenne Lisa Sally Sofia!!!! MY personal favorite is Cheyenne and lisa but the rest are good too! :)

  6. Dixiecup says:

    Those are all VERY nice pictures :o Congratulations to all of the winners, you deserve those vans :)

  7. chickenlittleROX says:

    Great job everyone! They are all beautiful!

  8. lazedaze18 says:

    LISA awsome job on your drawing I Love it

  9. WebkinzGuru says:

    WOW! Those are all really good! I am an ok artist but I doubt I could do that!

  10. ShinyPikachuThunder says:

    Great Pictures you guys!!!

    • CoolBigERsis says:

      lisa is AMAZING!!! i wish i had talent like THAT! o man ur good!

    • Skillet Lover says:

      Love the pics! I REALLY love Lisa’s!

    • i love gerbils says:

      lisa that is so so so so so so so so so so awesome you should enter other drawing contest cause you would win by far!!!!!!! cheyanne your was beutiful tooooooooooooo loved the pets both of you are now officialy piccassos

    • jayjay says:

      Lisa’s is AMAZING!!! she was so detailed and it looks EXACTLY like the webkinz pets and miss.birdy!! She should’ve have got more than a van…she should’ve got that drawing as a webkinz drawing to put in her webkinz room!!!

    • Shyra says:

      I like Lisa’s the best, but i have half of mind to doubt that a child drew that. It depends on who drew it, and who takes credit for it. If Lisa is 3,4, or 5 years old and asked someone to draw it for her, that is one thing. But for her, if she is my age ( 12 ) then i doubt that she is that good….. the details are AMAZING, and everything is in porportion, and the webkinz look exacly like they do on the computer screen. If Lisa sees this, and if she is that one who drew it, really, then you could be a pro artist. And if you (Lisa) know in your mind that you did not draw that picture, then don’t bother to reply back, I want to hear from the REAL artist that drew that.

      • Casey says:

        Totally. If she did draw that ( which I DOUBT ) then she is AMAZING, but if she didn’t then it was wrong. I don’t think people would do that but maybe I’m wrong. I praise the person who did that, Lisa or another.

        • lmcolverLisa says:

          I did draw it, and I’ve drawn lots of other webkinz fan art, although this is the first time I ever won a contest here. To make the drawing I first drew it in pencil, then I scanned it and cleaned up the line art in Photoshop CS2. I printed out the darkened line art and used prismacolor art pencils to color it. Prismacolor pencils give it that vivid paint-like look. Then I scanned it and further increased the color saturation in photoshop and resized it. The whole drawing took me about 4 or 5 hours to finish.

          • Impressed says:

            Wow you sure know a lot of stuff about art and how to make it look better. The turkey (and the rest of the animals you drew) were really good!

      • Hinta-chan says:

        Lisa great job!!!!! people are just sooo jelous of you!!!! I believe that you drew it!!! my friend is 11 and she does that good of a job!!! (no offense in any way lisa, I love your drawing) and i am 16 years old (i really do not play webkinz this is just what I do after school, my sister has an account) and i cannot even do that!!!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!! catch me int he club house my username is: hintachan101

    • GummiJellyBeanBear says:

      LISA`S IS AWESOME!!! Does anyone know her username????

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