Welcome the New Dog in Town!

Have you checked out the Tigerlily Pup yet? We think it’s pretty awesome! A great to welcome this new friend is to decorate your room with some canine-approved furniture… so we’re giving away pieces of the Dog Theme to celebrate! Head over and enter the Tigerlily Pup Peek-A-Newz Challenge to win a random piece of furniture from the Dog Theme (now only found in the Curio Shop) each day.

Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.



24 Responses to Welcome the New Dog in Town!

  1. vgcallah says:

    I have the tigerlily pup. it was 8000 estore points.

  2. babycakesellie says:

    Hello Tiger pup! Welcome to Webkinz world. You are going to love it there!!! It is super fun there. You look so fun and so nice

  3. morggymoo says:

    i have almost all of the dog room theme items i bought them from the curio shop :)

  4. chessie4811 says:

    BTW…………..I LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE the Tigerlily pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She/He (it’s so a she) is sooooooooo pretty. Again, congrats to the winner, Snowball_____. Sadly, I can’t get estore points :( :( :( :( It would be awesome if it was one of the super surprise box gifts!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

  5. chessie4811 says:

    I guess the magi wand tree/bush floaty clicky page was taken down, but I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to IgneusGirl, who sent me one when I sent a message. Thanks again! ~Chessie0519

  6. prprprprp says:

    Um, how many items is it possible to get? Like, what are they? Are the only ones we can get in the picture? Please answer.

  7. daisichain says:

    Gorgeous! Imagine this as a plush….absolutely beautiful! Wish I could buy it so bad :(

  8. bethyjoy414 says:

    I can not wait! I have not started yet I did not here about it until 5mins ago I hope I do good I am not shore that I know how to do it but I will try !!!!! She is sooooooooooooooooo cute I want her soooooooooooooo bad . it is soooooooooooo not fare that undeluxe people cant get it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    I can’t wait to play this new peek-a-newz featuring this amazing and adorable pup!!! ;)

  10. SaveTilikum says:

    How many times can I say how much I love this dog!? She is beautiful! If I had E-Store points I’d totally buy it. ~Ocean

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