Now that we have comments available, we’d like to hear your suggestions for improvements for Webkinz Newz! What do you want more of… and what do you want less of? We’d like to know! Leave us a comment.
We’ve noticed the display issue (don’t worry — the comments are all still there) and we’ll see what we can do about the “posting too fast” error message. Thank you for your patience as we try out this new feature!
I want a MALL! Even though I have posted it before I want to do it again because a mall would be AWESOME!
Also (what a lot of other people put) Parties! We could make tons of food and go to the party store (which needs to be built) and buy party favors. You could go to the cake bakery (which would also need to be built) and make your Webkinz’s own BIRTHDAY CAKE! You would go to Kinzpost and send birthday invitations to your Webkinz friends! That would be totally awesome if we could have Webkinz birthday parties. P.S. Not just birthday parties other parties too!
Places to make PLEASE-
Cake Bakery (get to create your own cake)
Party Store (buy or create decorations for a party)
Pet Store (buy a pet for your Webkinz)
School (You get to learn, answer questions, meet other Webkinz, and make new friends)
Things to make-
Stove (Everything you make makes a cool food NOT gunk. May use up to 5 food items)
Pets for pet store (Any type of Webkinz could be a Webkinz’s pet)
Cars (can be driven in)
Candy Cane Seeds (only available Christmas)
Chocolate Heart Seeds (only available Valentine’s Day)
Chocolate Egg Seeds (Only Available Easter)
New Years Cake Seeds (Only Available New Years)
More Clothes
More Food
Mac’n Cheese Bites (like chicken nuggets except macaroni and cheese inside real food yummy)
Soft Pretzels With Cheese Sauce (Extra Salty)
For Comments you should be able to type in a name and find all of their comments and the replys to them so you could see what people reply to your comments.
P.S. If any ideas for food seeds for St. Patricks Day, Halloween, or Thanksgiving, Please reply!
Actually, there IS a Signature bear…the Panda that is. It was the first Signature in Webkinz history.
If our pets get presents on thier birthday why cant I.I think we should get a birthstone Webkinz on the month and day we were born.If they already have one then they can get a rare item.If you have any questions please send me a letter on Webkinz.
Has anyone had a problem with Tabby von Meow not appearing and just her shadow? Please reply if you have. And Ganz? Please get rid of the color zones. It doesn’t make sense. All you need for the smileys on the phone is to know if your friend is on or not. If you won’t get rid of them then please at least tell us what zone our friends are on! If that never happens then color zones are completly useless. Keep the color changing we can do, but don’t change them every time we turn the phone on. And don’t make that KinzChat purpose for it, either. Thanks!
Awesome idea about Webkinz PARTIES!
Let’s have Webkinz be able to have parties.
In Kinzpost, you would choose the option “have a party” then choose the day and time and people who are invited.
Then invitations would be sent out to members and you would design them.
Then on your party time, hopefully you would show up :D or else your not a good party host, are you?
Then all the accounts that recieved the invitation would get an alert and come from what they’re doing if they’re not in the middle of a game. (But after they’re game they would get the message)
Then you could serve food to other Webkinz.
Also I really think you should improve Kinzchat before you do this. There are so many “color zones” and error messages that pop up, and webkinz that get stuck in rooms. So it’s impossible to bring another Webkinz to your home because of it being so hard to control.
I want a Signature Snow Leopard or a Signature Siberian Tiger PLEASE. I love the ideas!
Have an other people occured these problems,cause I have a lot.
After you’ve been in Webkinz for a while and you go to the Webkinz Stadium you get a message that says ”I’m sorry, We can’t connect right now.Check back later for lots more fun and games!”That allways happens!
Sometimes when you come out of the same clubhouse room to many times everything turns blue and you have to log out!
Sometimes in the Clubhouse people will start doing actions that they have not even unlocked and if you have a Zumbuddie it will staart playing with toys very quickly and go to sleep!
Sometimes when your in a room in the Clubhouse your pet will comepletly dissapear and reapear and it goes off and on.
If you haven’t deleted a friend in a while and you just delete a friend and it’s not just when you log on soemtimes my Pert will start turning colors and Them it all freezes!
I hope if any other people have any problems Webkinz Will Fix Them!~WG123
I think that bringing retired pets ‘almost back’ is really great. And I think I would like a Signature Snow Leopard or a Signature Polar Bear as a webkinz. Also I think clothes designing would be really fun :) and that it would be a neat addition to webkinz world. Great ideas!!!
webkinz needed!
-egyptian mau cat
-snow hair
also wanted to comment to add more selection for kinzstyle clothes. more rare items for non deluxe members. ganz estore gives points each month.thank you.