Win a Lil Purple Spring Bunny!

Spring is almost here and that means it’s time to get cleaning! Share your tips and you could win an eStore exclusive Lil Purple Spring Bunny!

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Tell us your top 10 spring cleaning tips and you could win an eStore exclusive Lil Purple Spring Bunny (the “Prize”)!  Contest closes at Midnight EST on February 18, 2016. 


Enter Here

43 Responses to Win a Lil Purple Spring Bunny!

  1. Rnw9kinz says:

    i love this cute little bunny! i hope i win. . Good luck every one!

  2. anglegrinder says:

    Would love to enter this contest but being based in the UK it isn’t likely to be allowed anytime soon :( I would call this pretty little lady “Hyacinth” if I was lucky enough to adopt her. Good Luck to all those who can enter these promos, I shall go back to my corner and rock :P LOL

  3. MEG_WEBKINZ says:

    Good luck everyone! If I am fortunate enough to win one, I’d name it Daisy!

  4. nmm033 says:

    It says in the rules that if you live in florida or new york you are not eligible for this contest.

  5. curbo says:

    Spring cleaning time already?! *sigh*

  6. KarenC says:

    Aww never seen this pet before but so cute! My favorite color is purple and my animal is a bunny :)

  7. kbk100 says:

    So cute! I will have to enter!

  8. FennecFox says:


  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Aww, this pet is so cute!! :D I’ll be entering this contest for sure. Good luck to all! ;)

  10. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    Ah, the joys of cleaning! XD I actually like cleaning things, so I might enter this contest! Besides, the Lil’ Bunny is adorbu!! :D

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