Win a Sweetheart Chipmunk!

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Tell us your top 10 Winter Activities and you could win an eStore exclusive Sweetheart Chipmunk (the “Prize”)! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your very own Sweetheart Chipmunk. Contest closes at Midnight EST on January 28, 2016. 

48 Responses to Win a Sweetheart Chipmunk!

  1. dibblerton says:

    Hmm. Might have been nice if this contest had been announced on the front pages of the Webkinz News. My wife would have entered for sure. Didn’t even know it was going on!

  2. bronco22 says:

    awww:( i thought the winners were announced but i guess the contest just closed, well gl guys:)

  3. RainbowDash71 says:

    I really hope I win. If I do, I’ll name her Kira. :)

  4. bronco22 says:

    Hmmm.. I’m not sure if this will show up bc some of my posts haven’t been sharing, but u can only enter once right? or is it a once a day kinda thing? thnx! keep me updated:)

  5. 4uLittleOne says:

    Awww.. She is cute! Very befitting for Valentines day. I hope I win. But if I don’t I’ll still be happy for the winners.

  6. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    Hmm…my favorite winter activities? That might be a little challenging for me. However, I’ll do my best to think of something! :)

  7. acouwntt says:

    Are residents of Florida aloud to enter the contest?

  8. doingmydailies says:

    She’s so cute!!! Awesome contest!!!

  9. FennecFox says:

    She’s pretty cute… :)

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Sweet! :D

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