Does your spring garden need some sparkle before summer comes? Add a Wand Sparkle Bush and it’ll be as bright as can be! Look for the floating Wand Sparkle Bush from now until June 5 to win a virtual Wand Sparkle Bush for your pet’s room.
Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.
2 days late! 2 days late! I got on 2 days late!
If anyone has an extra they’re willing to spare…….can they kinzpost me one? I was offline for a while and missed this campaign, too! I am Chessie0519 on Webkinz. THANKS!
This Would Make An AWESOME Addition To My House.Yay!
OMG I Just Got The Wand Sparkle Bush! Yay! Keep Your Eyes Peeled!
this is so cool
I got one!
cool!!! :D
Oh I love it! Thank you Ganz!
Awesome I’ll keep an eye out!
oooh! it’ll look great with my wand sparkle trees, and it looks really woodsy and magical! i’ll be on the lookout 4 these great prizes!