Enter Kimmy\’s CampKinz Peek-A-Newz Challenge: Comments

29 Responses to Enter Kimmy\’s CampKinz Peek-A-Newz Challenge: Comments

  1. francinejellybean says:

    only three days left,i need the tent.help

  2. DOESN'T MATTER says:


  3. rachael says:

    I love doing this!

  4. josh says:

    cant find kimmy so hard

  5. kaylia6 says:

    why is the tent so small I cant hardly see it on the lawn that is not right

  6. aubin says:

    ive been on webkinz since 2009 and still love, it may be childish at my age but i dont care cause its really fun, so my age is 13. i love webkinz.

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