Crafty Critterz: Cheery Chimney Fireplace

Submitted by: Chi with Bosley








What you need:

  • 2 cardboard boxes (3” x 4” x 5”) and (2” x 3” x 5”)
  • Cardboard piece (5” x 4”)
  • 2 each yellow, red and white pipe cleaners
  • 1 Green pipe cleaner
  • White, brown and red paint
  • Tissue paper (red, yellow, orange)
  • Brown paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrush


What you do:

1.     Cut out one side of your 3” x 4” x 5” box.

2.     Glue that box in the center of the 5” x 4” cardboard piece so that the open side faces you.

3.     Glue the 2” x 3” x 5” box on top of the 1st box in the center positioning it upward.

4.     Draw single bricks on the top box.  These will become your red bricks

5.     Paint the single bricks red. Let dry.

6.     Paint white the cardboard piece (at the bottom of your fireplace), the top of the 1st box, and the top of the 2nd box. Let dry.

7.     Cut four 2 ½” lengths of yellow pipe cleaner.

8.     Secure them in place at the top and bottom by using the second yellow pipe cleaner, leaving them about 1” apart.  This will be your shield.

9.     Paint the rest of the fireplace brown.  Let dry.

10.  Cut out logs from the brown paper.

11.  Glue bits of tissues paper to the backs of the logs.  This will be your fire.

12.  Glue the fire inside the bottom box.

13.  Glue the shield in the opening in front or your fire.

14.  Twist one red pipe cleaner around one white pipe cleaner.  Cut in half.  Glue the halves in the two back corners of the chimney.

15.  Twist the last white and red pipe cleaners together.  Form an arch big enough to cover fireplace opening.

16.  Glue the green pipe cleaner and glue it around the chimney.  It should look like garland.

Have your whole Webkinz family snuggle in front of this cozy fireplace on Christmas Eve!


Do you have a great idea for a craft, recipe or party game? We’d love to hear them!


58 Responses to Crafty Critterz: Cheery Chimney Fireplace

  1. geeyun says:

    its not christmas here!

  2. destiny says:

    hay this is so awesome

  3. Smarticles says:

    Hi everyone! Hmm, the fireplace is weird, but I really like it! What if the person who made up the idea for the fireplace was reading through our comments? They easily could be.

  4. tyler says:

    i wish i could make that now ;) :)

  5. littemissiecutiepie says:

    Cute!!!!! I’ve always wondered how to make a webkinz house cuz my dad bought a new filter for the pool and the box it came in was HUGE so my sister and I dragged it upstairs to our room so now we got a big box sittin’ up there and we were going to make it our lion family’s house cuz we have the lioness ,the lion , and the lil’kinz lioness, but we never did and i was resently on Webkinz News and a thought hit me, if anyone nows how to help, i’m sure its craftey critters! So i turned over to you guys and now… we have a little cute chimmny neslted in the corner of a big brown box. :) P.S. Thanks Chi with Bosley!

  6. dtsw11 says:

    Really cute………!!!!!!!:) :) :)


  7. Country Girl says:

    CUTE!!!!!!! LOVE IT………. I cant make stuff that good………just good at ropin’!!!!!!!

  8. horsiegirl says:

    awwwwwww how cute is this i would print all this out and make them all they are so funny and cute for all webkinz. :) :):):):):):):):)

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