Submitted by: dod with Buddy
What you need:
- Red and Peach construction paper
- Peach sticky notes
- Glue stick
- Tape
- Scissors
What you do:
1. Take a sheet of red construction paper and cut out the shape of the sled.
2. Take a sheet of peach construction paper and cut out details for the sled.
3. With peach construction paper, cut out 2 long skinny rectangles and wrap each one around the sled. Then cut a 2 big swirly pieces and put them on the front of the sled.
4. Using the peach construction paper, make 6 round circles and put them on both sides of the sled. Put 2 on the front of the sled.
5. Use red construction paper, and make a seat inside the sled, attached to the back of the sled.
6. Use peach construction paper, and make 2 medium wide long rectangles and curl both edges of the 2 rectangles, then glue the sled and the rectangles together. And tape everything else.
7. Put any Webkinz on you sled and enjoy the ride!
Do you have a great idea for a craft, recipe or party game? We’d love to hear them!
You’ve rellay helped me understand the issues. Thanks.
i just finished the sled!!! my blufadoodle named Blueberry looks sooooo cuuuuuuuuute when she is in it!!! and i added some thing for the sled, a bag of toys!!!!!! i made a bed for christmas it’s called a dancing with sugar plums bed,i’ll put it on crafty critters soon. maybe before christmas?
where did you get the santa outfit?
aww ill make this!
Awww!!! There’s my reindeer… LOL I named her “Nudge” I know, really weird name :P I love that sled! That’s such a great idea ;)
Actually the name Nudge is very creative Cinderpelt. I think it’s a great name.
I have a reindeer named Minty. He { Yes, he.I know Minty sounds like a girl name. } is very cute and since it’s almost Christmas I sometimes put him under the tree with my other Christmas Webkinz.
So cute!
That is really cute! Those people are so creative!
Random — Has anyone noticed that Nafaria is back with her challenge in Webkinz World? I saw her twice.
I noticed. I saw Nafaria three times in three days. The first two times, I got a puff of smoke. The third time, she offered a magic potion for two stars that I had along with the hardest star to get: the Pyro Pearl.
Aw the sled is so cute! I luv how its in a costume to be dressed as Santa. :lol:
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
Totally awesome sled! Anyone have a name for a lil’ Kinz mouse? I was thinking either Melody or Blanca. Any suggestions? :D
My sister thinks the name Bianca White is good for a girl. ( she likes more full names)
Boy or girl? If it’s going to be a girl, remember most mice are shy, so chose a name signaling a shy nature. Names like Amanda, Charlotte, Clara, Hollyann, and Sadie usually signal a shy and caring nature
Maybe 4 a girl Vanessa, Nibbles, Cheese (my cousin likes food names that go with the animal, such as Fish 4 a cat), Molly, Jenna, or Snow White. For a boy, Snowball, Scurry, Blizzard, Cheese, or Little Tommy. Hope I helped!
My mouse is named Sqeakers. How’s that???!!!
Aww! this is cute! i really want the reindeer and the santa outfit! i figured it would look cute on the reindeer, i guess i was right!
I have this pet, and the costume…. and it is just too cute!
I like its outfit! :mrgreen:
I love it but don’t think I have time to make it though. I’ll save the instructions. ~:: kkf~~kinzklipfan~~ :: $
awww!! cute!! the reindeer’s cute in the santa suit!!!!
Crazy gal :mrgreen: