2015 Pretty Tinsel Cracker is Now Available!

No holiday is complete without opening a 2015 Pretty Tinsel Cracker to find the fun clothing items inside! You’ll be awarded two random holiday clothing items for each cracker you crack open! Crackers may also contain new clothing items not previously released!


Drag and drop your 2015 Pretty Tinsel Holiday Cracker from your Dock into your Pet’s room. Watch as the cracker magically awards mystery clothing items to your dock!


Here’s a preview of some of the new clothing items you may find in the 2015 Pretty Tinsel Holiday Cracker:


Holiday Ribbon Outfit

Webkinz 10 King Outfit

Webkinz 10 Queen Outfit

Red-Nosed Reindeer Outfit

Purple Snowflake Ornament Outfit

Green Ornament Outfit

Holly Headband,
Polar Bear Slippers

Jingle Bell Dress

Penguin Dress

SantaKinz Bearded Hat

Festive Red Bow Necklace

Visit Ganz eStore for more details about 2015 Holiday Gift Stockings and Crackers.

45 Responses to 2015 Pretty Tinsel Cracker is Now Available!

  1. puffapuffle2 says:

    That reindeer suit… *drools*

    • CaramelKisses33 says:

      These outfits are amazing! Pretty indeed! My favorite has to the the Webkinz 10 Year Queen outfit and/or the penguin dress. If only I had estore points… (;

  2. silverbone13 says:

    i got a reindeer hat and i can’t trade it and i want to trade for other stuff but i can trade for some of those thing you need to fix that.

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    Oh man!! All of these outfits are AWESOME!! The Webkinz 10 King Outfit would be perfect for my 10 Year Magic W Pup (when he gets here). :)

  4. lovlyhorses4 says:

    These are so cool. I hope everyone who buys them gets what they want.

  5. chantal101234 says:

    Ok I have question are the polar bear slippers, holly head band and the reindeer outfit suppose to be tradable? ATM I can not trade those Items :( Was going to gift a friend my extras of those items for Christmas :( :( :( :( Plz fix this ASAP plz!!! Thank You!! :)

  6. ilovemoonie says:

    Prancer, Dasher, Stocking, Natalie, how did you get up there? :)

  7. choover143 says:

    I love those outfits. I hope we can buy some.

  8. Pokekinz says:

    Uh, I got Hypno Glasses is mine. Were we supposed to be able to get normal estore items…? Because I really would’ve much rather had one of the cracker clothing items. :/

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      I feel for ya, Pokekinz. I just checked the estore to see the specifics on the tinsel cracker and it says “if you’re lucky, you might get these clothing items:” and it lists all of the items shown in the article. I don’t really get that because, well, its pretty misleading if they list those clothing items yet don’t mention the fact that you may find other clothing items in it as well, but that’s just my opinion.

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        Never mind. It says “here’s a look at some of the new clothing items you may find”. Although, if you ask me, the other items that could be found should be listed. A lot of players might buy it to get the new items, then get disappointed because they got some item that wasn’t even listed or an item that they didn’t even want. I’d probably be really upset too if I got the hypno glasses instead one of the new and really cool items.

        • Pokekinz says:

          Well, at least I got a Green Ornament Outfit. :P

        • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

          I find that quite misleading. They should only give you the prizes shown… I don’t really like that about it… I mean I don’t even like all of the prizes up there. I only like about two. Oh well. ¯\_(`~`)_/¯ (Only thing I could think of to describe how I feel, while shrugging.. Haha, no I’m not going to copy you Pokekinz. ;P Okay I need to stop, this is in parentheses..) Congrats on at least getting the Green Ornament Outfit, Pokekinz! =] I mean, that’s still (kinda) cute, although I’ve never really liked the ornament outfits or outfits that look like a gigantic ball on your pet. =P

          • Pokekinz says:

            Well, I’m not sure I’ll have any of my pets wear it, but it might be good for trading with. And don’t worry, I didn’t even come up with that shrugging kaomoji thingy. XD But seriously, Asians have the best emoticons. I mean, American emoticons have nothing on this majestic beauty: ________(╬ಠ益ಠ)︵ ┻━┻________

          • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

            Lol totally! xD

          • Pokekinz says:

            Okay… I think it might’ve been a glitch. In the W-Shop, it says the Cracker “awards 2 random holiday prizes”. Hypno Glasses are not a random holiday prize. (눈_눈)

  9. FennecFox says:

    I LOVE that red-nosed reindeer outfit. And I really like that Purple Snowflake Ornament Outfit and the Green Ornament Outfit! :D

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Man, I really wish I had the estore points to get this. I really want the penguin dress, reindeer outfit, santakinz outfit, and the 10 year outfits. ~Firestar&Sandstorm~

    • LovesStaffordshires says:

      I wish I had the estore points for this, too. I love all of the outfits. Pittiesrule

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Same here.. the penguin dress is so cute! I also think the Festive Bow Necklace is a good idea. Is that a hat, shirt.. or what? It would be really nice if you guys could make a necklace option! Then we could buy different scarves to put on our pets! =D Also, I’m still waiting for skirts and belts to work together. It would (also) be awesome if we could use dresses and belts together..

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        That’s a good idea! I’d love it if there was a necklace option! I also think it would be cool if there was an option for bracelets as well! I’m not sure if that would work for birds and fish, but I think bracelets would possibly work on most other webkinz. Oh, and that would be awesome if they could wear scarves as well! It would really complete their winter look. Oh, and by the way, I hope the belt with skirts and dresses works soon as well. That would be really cool!

        • Pokekinz says:

          And earrings!! :D …………. Maybe…………….!

          • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

            Teeessss! Lol, I remember I used to wear the retired Hound Dog’s psi glasses (in trading rooms) and tell everyone “LOOK! My pet has earrings!!” lol and they would be like, “oh my gosh. YOU’RE RIGHT!” They are just glasses with feathers or something on the ends lol.. ;]

          • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

            Yeeeessss.. =P and I think I ‘lol’ed too much… Lol xD

          • Pokekinz says:

            Heh, I practically never use “lol”. :P And I definitely don’t act like it’s a word and say it phonetically as “lawl”…. Nope. Nope nope nope…… Nope. You know, if you say “nope” enough times, it doesn’t really sound like a word anymore… “Nope”…. Erm, anyway, earrings would be really cool, especially for fashionista pets. And singular earrings (which would probably work well in a pirate costume). And jackets you could wear over other clothing… Although, I think the earrings would be more likely than the jackets.

          • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

            Oh my gosh never xD I am so bothered by that. When people actually say “L O L” or “Lawl”… that’s just awful. I think they would just make clothes with jackets over them for an option. I mean I think they have already on some clothes.. Anyway, I think that boys might not like the earring things.. so maybe just girl pets could wear them? I don’t know… =/

          • Pokekinz says:

            Whoops, I posted in the wrong place. Re-posting…: Unless it’s an awesome gold pirate ring. :P I think some dudes wear earrings, though. I think they usually only wear it on the one ear, though. I’m not a fan of the style, personally. :P And yeah…. Obviously you aren’t “laughing out loud” if you’re saying that. :P

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