A Sweet New Room Theme is Coming Soon!





Webkinz Bake Shop Theme!




Cook up a new look for any room with this delicious Bake Shop room theme! The colorful confections will make the perfect setting for creating some great baked goods!

You may find the new Bake Shop theme at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores starting September 26th, 2012!

109 Responses to A Sweet New Room Theme is Coming Soon!

  1. Milly says:

    OMG! Awesome room theme! Have to get it!!!!

  2. dramallama360 says:

    wish i could get this. btw anyone who wants to trade my username is odn66

  3. bugface9 says:

    Why does all the cool stuff have to be e store items? I REALLY WANT IT!!!

  4. again?! says:

    I am not allowed deluxe or estore and just think about it the pets are $15 by themselves. My parents won’t allow me to get deluxe or estore and although I am not happy about it I see why. When i first saw this add ithougth it was going to be a webkinz theme! Not an estore theme but i got excited for nothing yet agian. There is really not much of a reason to earn kinzcash anymore. All you need is money to buy food and your all set. You can make a cool room for cheap (well a room that is ok looking) and all these cool themes are only for estore! sigh I miss the old webkinz. But oh well I guess those kids that get estore and deluxe should be very greatful.

  5. Stripedmew says:

    I think every time there is a holiday,New Pet,or new theme in the W shop there is a new pet or theme.Then we find out its estore and Now instead of themes in the W shop there is more themes in the Estore! maybe Once a month instead of estore points we can use kinz cash. I’m not trying to be rude,but it is unfair for people like me that don’t have estore ✶StripedMew✶

  6. homekid8 says:

    Why is it estore? :(

  7. fanofthefrog7 says:

    ESTORE! WHY ESTORE! :( I would buy this theme if it was W-Shop but i’m not going to spend all my points on one theme. I’d rather buy pets and zings with estore points.

  8. ibot01 says:

    So glad it is estore. That way I continue to save LOTS of money in webkinz world.

  9. lazygal says:

    I like the estore for the pets and some items in there. If you look at in a different way estore is kind of better because you don’t have to find a place for your pet. I have lots of plushes that are webkinz and I am getting tired of collecting lots of plushes now. So I do it this way I buy one plush pet every month and the samething thing with the estore pet even though I did get that candycorn mouse has a special sale price in the estore.

  10. Kendra says:

    What is with all these pink, girly, silly, “food”/candy themes and pets lately? I mean I appreciate the creativity and all but I LOVE the themes like the wShop Asian, Egyptian, medieval themes. Itd be SO nice to have some ‘serious’ realistic themes with beautiful things that can be made to make whole rooms and used to add and create rooms instead of having ‘a’ theme that is like a lot of others. How about Victorian theme with all that beautiful tapesty wallpaper and drapes and ornate wood furniture? Or Chinese? or Moroccan? sorry I just dont like the cnady/mall/silly cartoony stuff. It is just stuff that sits taking up room

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