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Cute puppy! I love the Birthstone and Zodiac pets, they’re really creative. I’ve got a cute Opal Pup my grandmother got for me last year. Anyone know the October Zodiac sign? B-Day is Oct. 12, and i want to know which pet to get.
theyre called birthstone pets. what about a pearl persian, or a amethyst horse add me on webinz if u agree! My username is 09137 and also add my friend, jupico310!
This one is so cute! <3 But It'd be even cuter in plush form. They should make all of the birthstone pets plushies! They'd make great plushies.That'd be AWESOME.
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Cute puppy! I love the Birthstone and Zodiac pets, they’re really creative. I’ve got a cute Opal Pup my grandmother got for me last year. Anyone know the October Zodiac sign? B-Day is Oct. 12, and i want to know which pet to get.
theyre called birthstone pets. what about a pearl persian, or a amethyst horse add me on webinz if u agree! My username is 09137 and also add my friend, jupico310!
The Gemster is cute also :D
I might ask for 12,500 E-store points to get my birthstone Pet. I love its PSI. Definetly will Get ifmpossible.
It’s pretty cute, but I am not estore. $|zz/e :]
Cool! I hope there is a peridot lamp to collect! :)
i was born in august but sadly have no e-store points and reall want that dog
why don’t they have a peridot click contest. i love the lamps.
SOOOOOO Cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This one is so cute! <3 But It'd be even cuter in plush form. They should make all of the birthstone pets plushies! They'd make great plushies.That'd be AWESOME.