Celebrate with more Special Celebration items!

NEW Special Celebration additions!


Your pet can arrive to their special celebration in style with the lovely Special Celebration Limo! Add a touch of elegance to every event!


Light up your special celebration with a few perfect Special Celebration Pillars! They’ll add a sense of grandeur to your pet’s Special Celebration decorated room!



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You may find these items and more at eStore!


11 Responses to Celebrate with more Special Celebration items!

  1. LivingAloha says:

    What kind of dog is that at the table?

  2. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Oooh, I love that room theme! =O It’s so fancy and pretty!

  3. Dolphinlover55 says:

    Does the back rest of the seat look like an ice cream sandwich to anyone?

  4. beaubo says:

    this whole room is very pretty and fancy! love it

  5. FennecFox says:

    Oh, nice! *sits back in car* *slides on shades* *revs engine* aw, yeah! XD

  6. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Cool! That limo looks pretty fancy!

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