Cookies and Cream Candy Tree is HERE!

March’s CANDY TREE has arrived: Cookies and Cream Candy Tree


Be careful not to eat too much at once!


If your pet loves cookies and cream, then planting this tree in their room is going to be the perfect treat! Each day it will deliver a delicious cookies and cream snack for your pet!


You may find a new Candy Tree each month at eStore!


25 Responses to Cookies and Cream Candy Tree is HERE!

  1. Augustbaby2001 says:

    I want this and the gumvall tree but i don’t have enough e-store points. i only have 500 left from the 2000 they gave us. but even if i had 2000 it wouldn’t be enough. ;( could some one send me one of these or the gumball tree? thanks! i have a few exclusive items to trade.

  2. sprinkles505 says:

    I love this tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. barones33 says:

    it sounds sooooo yummy, to bad its e store points :-( hey Gennelle how do you earn e store points if you are not deluxe????

  4. DoodleGirl09 says:

    Perfect if you have the cookies n cream koala. I want to get a candy tree but they are all eStore points :(

  5. legodude says:

    The peeling bark reminds me of a birch or sycamore

  6. SuperDog1 says:

    Yummy Yum Yum !! I love cookies and cream! ~ SuperDog1

  7. luckiestmom says:

    This actually looks creepy. Would be a good Halloween yard tree.

  8. TigerKinzKG says:

    OOOhh yum!!! it looks so DELICIOUS!!!! i loveeee cookies and cream!

  9. bbjbmom says:

    Oh my it isn’t very pretty

  10. Davids1lilpixie says:

    Ooh I may have to go and get this one! :-)

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