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I LOVE all the purple things (since purple is my favorite color too!) but my birthstone is the pearl. Besides, I’m not estore. But other than it’s estore, I LOVE everything about this pet!!
webkin200149, they probs will make one in april. i hope the make a october one. my sister wants them 2 make a july one. my birthday is oct. 6th and my sister’s is jul.30th
I would love this pet (it’s my birthstone), but I don’t have e-store points & can’t find e-store points cards anywhere I live. I also wish webkinz would make this pet as a plush. I agree webkinz should make a February lamp.
Just got yhe pink and purple Plumfadoodle for an early b-day gift from the g-kids I play for. I have to get this hound and do a purple/lime greeen room for them to share. jennifer
Totally agree with Styx fan 101, the lamp would be AWESOME!! I would like the dog ( since purple is my fav color) but it seems TOO purple in my opinion. ~*Mistyfoot*~ For Warriors
i agree and when they had floaty clicky week i told them 2 make a lamp and my b-day is the 26 so i hope if they do make one that i get it!!!!!!! plus i’m going to beg my parents to get my the amethyst hound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya i know and i love that im born in february because the amethyst to me is the most prettiest birthstone. If you dont agree then thats cool. its not cuz its my birthstone its cuz that is sooooooooooooooo beautiful!
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I LOVE THIS! My bday is in Febuary so I LOVE IT! :)
I LOVE all the purple things (since purple is my favorite color too!) but my birthstone is the pearl. Besides, I’m not estore. But other than it’s estore, I LOVE everything about this pet!!
uggggg when will they make a april one!
webkin200149, they probs will make one in april. i hope the make a october one. my sister wants them 2 make a july one. my birthday is oct. 6th and my sister’s is jul.30th
I LOVE the amethyst hound!!! It is the perfect color
I would love this pet (it’s my birthstone), but I don’t have e-store points & can’t find e-store points cards anywhere I live. I also wish webkinz would make this pet as a plush. I agree webkinz should make a February lamp.
OMG I was born feburary I WANT IT ^-^
Just got yhe pink and purple Plumfadoodle for an early b-day gift from the g-kids I play for. I have to get this hound and do a purple/lime greeen room for them to share. jennifer
neat! to bad i do not have epoints. cant you buy a card or something for points?
Yes you can, they are sold like gift cards and are called game cards. You can get 15,000 points for $15, or 25,000 points for $25.
Yes, angelgirldog7, you can buy cards. If I were born in February, I would definitely be getting this dog! Too cute!
Please make a lamp, please!
Totally agree with Styx fan 101, the lamp would be AWESOME!! I would like the dog ( since purple is my fav color) but it seems TOO purple in my opinion. ~*Mistyfoot*~ For Warriors
Impossible! Holley is just as purple, and she looks awesome! I love this dog! – PuMpkiN SpiCe
My b-day is in feb i would tottaly love a lamp.
i agree and when they had floaty clicky week i told them 2 make a lamp and my b-day is the 26 so i hope if they do make one that i get it!!!!!!! plus i’m going to beg my parents to get my the amethyst hound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday!
Yes Ganz, Please make a lamp! The Lamps are probably my favorite click-to-win (Or Floaty Clicky) Ever! They’re just so pretty and sparkly!!!!!!
Look at how PURPLE that dog is!!!!!!! That’s SO PRETTY!!!!! I would want to adopt this pet! >>cathouse2
cathouse2, i agree. that purple is pretty!
ya i know and i love that im born in february because the amethyst to me is the most prettiest birthstone. If you dont agree then thats cool. its not cuz its my birthstone its cuz that is sooooooooooooooo beautiful!
I LOVE PURPLE! love this dog, so cute!
Oh brother!