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Yay my bday was on the 12th (abraham lincolns birthday too:D) and i luv purple i really want 2 get it
that puppy is sooooooooooooo awesome
I need it!!!!!! but i got no estore pts :(
OMG my mom is geting me estore points im sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy Im going to get Deluxe member ship and the Amethyst hound and more
That is good
i really want that lamp or puppy really anything my birthday is on 19th of february double digits!!
OMG I LOVE THIS PET!!!!!!!! PURPLE IS THE BEST COLOR EVER!!!! (I just wish I could get the lamp too :)!!!)
i wanted the january one because that is when my b-day is but happy b-day to all of you in feb
For next month its gonna be Aquamarine! :) :D